Certificate Problem

The certificate associated to the configured endpoint should be a valid one, or the plugin will reject to connect to it for security reasons.

The Common Name (CN) of the certificate should match the hostname used in the endpoint variable. Otherwise, the plugin will raise errors like: “The request failed. The request failed. Host name ‘’ does not match the certificate subject provided by the peer”.

If the certificate CN uses a hostname, we need to use that hostname from the plugin configuration, instead of the IP address. If needed, because the DNS Server used by the File Daemon host cannot resolve that hostname, the IP-hostname association should be added to the local /etc/hostname file (or equivalent local hostname configuration, depending on the Operative System).

On the other hand, if the certificate is not valid but it is needed to tell the plugin to trust it, the procedure is to add it to the local keystore of the Java Virtual Machine running on the File Daemon. An example of how to do it is given below:

Throttling unlimited
keytool -cacerts -storepass changeit -importcert -alias ewscert -file certificate.cer

Note that:

  • keytool should be available in the PATH of the system. If it’s not, you should look for it inside the Java JRE installation path (bin directory).

  • changeit is the default password of the Java keystore. You should change it.

  • certificate.cer is the file containing the Exchange certificate to import. You should download it, for instance, using a browser, and connect to Outlook.

See also

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