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Swift Object Backup

Executive summary

This document is intended to provide insight into the considerations and processes required to successfully implement a Swift Object Storage backup technique using Bacula Enterprise.


This functionality is available as of Bacula Enterprise version 8.10.

Swift Object Storage


The Bacula Enterprise Swift plugin uses the python-swiftclient library to access the Swift Object Storage daemon.

Swift Plugin Architecture

Swift Plugin Architecture


The configuration for Swift container backups is done in a Bacula FileSet configuration file using parameters to the Swift plugin command line.

During a backup, the Bacula plugin will contact the Swift system to retrieve Objects one by one. During an incremental or a differential backup session, the Bacula File Daemon will need to list all objects and retrieve their attributes to determine if an object must be included in the job.

If found, any container or object metadata are saved during backup.

At restore time, the Bacula Swift plugin will restore the Swift metadata, and the user will be able to restore Swift objects to:

  • The original Swift container

  • An alternate Swift container/system

  • A local directory

Large objects will be restored automatically using the DLO technique.

Swift metadata for containers are automatically backed up with Objects.

Installation of the Plugin

On the Bacula File Daemon that you want to connect to your Swift Object Storage, extend the repository file for your package manager to contain a section for the Swift plugin. For example, in RHEL, /etc/yum.repos.d/bacula.repo:

name=Bacula Enterprise

[Bacula EnterpriseSwiftPlugin]
name=Bacula Enterprise Swift Plugin

On Centos7, python3 and the Swift client library are not avaiable via the standard repositories. The EPEL repository provides python34 and the python-swiftclient package must be installed via the python34-pip package from this repository.

# yum install epel-release
# yum install python34 python34-pip
# pip3.4 install python-swiftclient

On RHEL 7, the package is available in the repository “rhel-7-server-openstack-11-tools-rpms”.

On Debian Jessie, /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bacula.list:

#Bacula Enterprise
deb jessie main
deb jessie swift

Once the repository is configured for your system, perform a yum update or apt-get update, then the package bacula-enterprise-swift-plugin can be installed with yum install or apt-get install.

  # yum install bacula-enterprise-swift-plugin
  # apt-get update
  # apt-get install bacula-enterprise-swift-plugin

If you prefer to manually install the packages, you may download them directly from your download area, and use one of the low level package manager tools (rpm or dpkg) to do the plugin installation.


Plugin Parameters

The following parameters effect any type of Swift plugin Job (Backup, Estimation or Restore).

  • user=<string> specifies the username to access the Swift system. This parameter is mandatory.

  • password=<string> specifies the password to access the Swift system. The password or the passfile parameter is mandatory.

  • passfile=<string> specifies a file local to the File Daemon that contains the password for the user. Only the first line of the file will be read. The password or the passfile parameter is mandatory.

  • url=<string> specifies the URL of the Swift system. This parameter is mandatory.

  • abort_on_error=<0 or 1>, or just abort_on_error specifies whether or not the Backend should abort it’s execution if a fatal error occurs during Backup, Estimation or Restore. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0.

  • debug=<0 or 1>, or just debug specifies how much information should be logged to the Backend File Log. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0.

  • insecure=<0 or 1>, or just insecure specifies whether or not the SSL certificate should be verified. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0.

Plugin Estimation and Backup Parameters

  • include=<string> specifies which containers and/or objects should be backed up from the Swift Storage System. This parameter is optional. There may be more than one include parameter.

  • regexinclude=<regex> specifies, using a Regular Expression, which containers and/or objects should be backed up from the Swift Storage System. This parameter is optional. There may be more than one regexinclude parameter.

  • exclude=<string> specifies which containers and/or objects should NOT be backed up from the Swift Storage System. This parameter is optional. There may be more than one exclude parameter.

  • regexexclude=<regex> specifies, using a Regular Expression, which containers and/or objects should NOT be backed up from the Swift Storage System. This parameter is optional. There may be more than one regexexclude parameter.

If none of the paramaters include, regexinclude, exclude or regexexclude are specified, all containers and objects from the Swift Storage System for an account (user parameter) will be backed up.

Plugin Restore Parameters

  • user=<string> specifies an account where restore will be performed. This parameter is optional. If not set, the user parameter from the backup Job will be used.

  • password=<string> specifies the password to access the Swift system during restore. This parameter is optional. If not set, the password=<string> parameter from the backup job will be used.

  • url=<string> specifies the URL of the Swift system during a restore. This parameter is optional. If not set, the url=<string> parameter from the backup Job will be used.

  • be_object_segment_size=<size> specifies, in bytes, the size of the segments of a DLO object. The default is 5MB. This parameter is optional.

  • restore_local=<yes or no> specifies that the files should be restored to a local directory based on the where= restore job parameter. This parameter is optional.

FileSet Examples

In the example below, all objects inside the container container1 will be backed up.

FileSet {
 Name = FS_Swift
 Include {
  Plugin = "swift: user=r1 password=t1 URL=http://swift:8080/auth/v1.0 \

In the example below, all objects that do not end with tmp inside the container container1 will be backed up.

FileSet {
 Name = FS_Swift_without_tmp
 Include {
   Plugin = "swift: user=root password=test1 URL=http://swift/auth/v1.0 \
            include=container1/* exclude=*tmp"

This example is the same as the exclude one above, but using regexexclude instead:

FileSet {
 Name = FS_Swift_without_tmp
 Include {
  Plugin = "swift: include=container1/* regexclude=.*\\.tmp\\Z(?ms)" URL=http://swift/auth/v1.0 user=r1 password=p1"

In the example below, all objects that end with .pdf inside the container container1 will be backed up.

FileSet {
 Name = FS_Swift_without_tmp
 Include {
  Plugin = "swift: user=r1 password=t1 URL=http://swift/auth/v1.0 \
           include=container1/* regexinclude=.*\\.pdf\\Z(?ms)"

In the example below, all objects of all containers will be backed up.

FileSet {
  Name = FS_Swift_everything
  Include {
    Options {
      Compression = LZO
    Plugin = "swift: user=r1 password=t1 URL=http://swift:8080/auth/v1.0"

In the example below, all objects of all containers will be backed up. The password of the swift user root will be taken from the file /etc/swift.txt file.

FileSet {
  Name = FS_Swift_passfile
  Include {
   Plugin = "swift: user=r1 passfile=/etc/swift.txt URL=http://swift/auth/v1.0"

Restore Examples

Restore to a Subdirectory Inside the Container

If the objects were selected inside container1, the following restore command will relocate objects under /tmp. For example: /container1/home/file.png will be restored as /container1/tmp/home/file.png.

* restore where=/container1/tmp

Restore to an Alternate Container

If the objects where selected inside container1, the following restore command will relocate them under container2. ex: /container1/home/file.png will be restored as /container2/home/file.png.

* restore where=container2

Restore to a Local Directory

You may restore the files to your local filesystem by setting the restore_local option to yes in the Plugin Restore Options menu. You must specify the where= option.

* restore where=/home/user/my_restored_files

After the selection of the files you want to restore, modify the plugin option, select option 5 restore_local, and set it to ’yes’

Run Restore job
JobName:         RestoreFiles
Plugin Options:  *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod
Parameters to modify:
     1: Level
    13: Plugin Options
Select parameter to modify (1-13): 13
Automatically selected : swift: user=test:tester password=testing
     URL=http://localhost:8080/auth/v1.0 include=data1/*

Plugin Restore Options
user:                *None*               (*None*)
password:            *None*               (*None*)
url:                 *None*               (*None*)
be_object_segment_size: *None*               (5 MiB)
restore_local:       *None*               (No)
insecure:            *None*               (No)
Use above plugin configuration? (yes/mod/no): mod
You have the following choices:
     1: user (Restore user name)
     2: password (Restore user password)
     3: url (Destination URL for restore)
     4: be_object_segment_size (DLO max segment size)
     5: restore_local (Restore as local file)
     6: insecure (Accept self-signed certificate)
Select parameter to modify (1-6): 5
Please enter a value for restore_local: yes
Plugin Restore Options
user:                *None*               (*None*)
password:            *None*               (*None*)
url:                 *None*               (*None*)
be_object_segment_size: *None*               (5 MiB)
restore_local:       yes                  (No)
insecure:            *None*               (No)
Use above plugin configuration? (yes/mod/no): yes
Run Restore job
JobName:         RestoreFiles
Plugin Options:  User specified
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes

Useful Swift Commands

You may define environment variables to simplify Swift command calls.

# export ST_AUTH=http://swift.lan:8080/auth/v1.0
# export ST_KEY=testing
# export ST_USER=test:tester

Show information about a Swift account:

# swift stat

List containers

# swift list

List objects inside a container

# swift list container1

Upload a file

# swift upload container1 afile

Set a metadata for container or object

# swift post -m Bacula:Pass container1
# swift post -m Bacula:Pass container1 object1

Set an ACL data for container

# swift post --read-acl=www container1
# swift post --write-acl=www container1

For more information, please refer to:


  • Objects stored as SLO objects on the Swift System will be restored as DLO objects.

  • The modification time of an object cannot be restored. This is a Swift limitation.

  • The creation time of an object is always equal to the modification time. This is a Swift limitation.

  • Bacula’s Accurate backup mode is not supported. You will receive a warning message in this case.

  • The regexwhere feature is not supported

  • It is recommended to not set a high value for the Plugin Restore Parameter be_object_segment_size to limit the memory consumption.

  • The restart command has limitations with plugins, as it initiates the Job from scratch rather than continuing it. Bacula determines whether a Job is restarted or continued, but using the restart command will result in a new Job.