Error Log and Debug Information

With the MySQL Plugin, MySQL error messages generated by commands are automatically included in the job log.

For example:

Fatal error: Can't reach MySQL server to get database config. ERR=268435457
Error: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'backup_user'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

If you need more details about the MySQL errors or if no error message is present in the backup job log, you can enable debug level 200 on File Daemon to not delete log files in the /tmp directory of the File Daemon host at the end of the job.

* setdebug level=200 trace=1 options=t client=mysqlserver-fd

For example, after enabling debug level 200 on mysqlserver-fd, the following files will be generated:

root@mysqlserver:/tmp# ls
  Error: Pipe close error 2 on /@MYSQL/main/MyDatabase/data.sql
(sh -c 'mysqldump --opt --extended-insert --create-options --single-transaction
       --default-character-set=utf8 --routines --errorParameter "MyDatabase"
       2>>/tmp/mysql.24.log'): ERR=Child exited with code 2

We can see in the output log file an incorrect parameter configured in the FileSet plugin line:

root@mysqlserver:/tmp# cat mysql.24.log
mysqldump: unknown option '--errorParameter'


If you often encounter errors of the lost connection to MySQL server, visit MySQL Community documentation for advice.

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