M365 Example
In the example presented below, the Scan Plugin will be used in an Admin Job and connect via the Microsoft 365 Plugin installed on the Bacula Client saas-fd. Each user drive detected will be handled by a separated Job and Fileset. The Job directives will be defined via the JobDefs BackupsToDisk.
Job {
Name = A_m365_drive
Type = Admin
client = saas-fd
JobDefs = BackupsToDisk
RunsBeforeJob = "/opt/bacula/bin/scan_plugin --client %c --plugin m365 --plugin_option \"config_file=/opt/bacula/etc/m365/TENANT/bacula_m365_config.conf\" --plugin_option \"service=drive\" --scan_option 'config_file=/opt/bacula/etc/m365/TENANT/bacula_m365_config.conf' --jobdefs BackupsToDisk --parameter user"
In the following example, the Scan Plugin will be used in an Admin Job and connect via the Microsoft 365 Plugin installed on the Bacula Client saas-fd. Each user e-mail detected will be handled by a separated Job and Fileset. The Job directives will be defined via the JobDefs BackupsToDisk.
Job {
Name = A_m365_email
Type = Admin
client = saas-fd
JobDefs = BackupsToDisk
RunsBeforeJob = "/opt/bacula/bin/scan_plugin --client \"%c\" --plugin m365 --plugin_option \"config_file=/opt/bacula/etc/m365/TENANT/bacula_m365_config.conf\" --plugin_option \"service=email\" --scan_option \"config_file=/opt/bacula/etc/m365/TENANT/bacula_m365_config.conf\" --jobdefs BackupsToDisk --parameter user"
In the following example, the Scan Plugin will be used in an Admin Job and connect via the Microsoft 365 Plugin installed on the Bacula Client saas-fd. Each user sharepoint site detected will be handled by a separated Job and Fileset. The Job directives will be defined via the JobDefs BackupsToDisk.
Job {
Name = A_m365_sharepoint
Type = Admin
client = saas-fd
JobDefs = BackupsToDisk
RunsBeforeJob = "/opt/bacula/bin/scan_plugin --client \"%c\" --plugin m365 --plugin_option \"config_file=/opt/bacula/etc/m365/TENANT/bacula_m365_config.conf\" --plugin_option \"service=sharepoint\" --scan_option \"config_file=/opt/bacula/etc/m365/TENANT/bacula_m365_config.conf\" --jobdefs BackupsToDisk --parameter site"
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