BGuardian is connected to BWeb in two forms.
The first of them is about the links that generates automatically to be able to open the joblogs of the reported job entries in the html reports. This feature can be disabled with the parameter: bweb_jobid_link
The second is the ability to open directly the html report from BWeb. To accomplish this goal, BGuardian can generate a symlink to the reports directory inside the proper BWeb directory, as it is shown below:
# ls -l /opt/bweb/html/.reports
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 jul 28 11:12 /opt/bweb/html/.reports -> /tmp/regress/working/bguardian/.reports
That symlink can be created manually, but if we run once BGuardian with the root user, the symlink will also be created. Note that if you run BGuardian from an AdminJob as we recommend, BGuardian will be executed by the ‘bacula’ user.
Once BGuardian detects the presence of BWeb and the symlink, the output of the script, available in the AdminJob joblog will show this kind of lines:
Open html report from:
As a result, you can copy that URL and directly see the report in your web browser.
Future versions of BGuardian and BWeb will expand this integration with more features, like listing the available reports and allowing to directly click on the links to see them.
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