
The artile aims at presenting the Kubernetes Plugin features.


Only Full level backups are supported.

They are:

  • Kubernetes cluster objects configuration backup

  • Ability to restore single Kubernetes configuration object

  • Ability to restore Kubernetes object configuration to local directory

  • Kubernetes Persistent Volumes data backup and restore

  • Ability to restore Kubernetes Persistent Volumes data to local directory

  • Ability to use Kubernetes CSI driver volume snapshot and cloning features to perform Persistent Volume data backup

  • Ability to adapt the best technique to each Persistent Volumes data backup

  • Ability to execute user defined commands on required Pod containers to prepare and clean data backup

  • Configure Kubernetes workload backup requirements directly with Pod annotations.

  • Cleanup pods and cloned pvcs from old backup jobs that, for any reason, did not finish correctly. This feature is automatic.

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