Kubernetes Plugin Installation with Package Manager

Installation of the Bacula Enterprise Kubernetes Plugin is most easily done by adding the Kubernetes repository from your Bacula Enterprise subscription to your Linux distribution’s package manager configuration.

An example would be /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bacula.list for Debian-based Linux distributions. The contents of this file would look as follows:

# Bacula Enterprise
deb https://www.baculasystems.com/dl/@cust@/debs/bin/@ver@/stretch-64/ bookworm main
deb https://www.baculasystems.com/dl/@cust@/debs/kubernetes/@ver@/stretch-64/ bookworm kubernetes

Where “@cust@” would be your individual download area identification string found in your Welcome Package.

After that, a run of apt-get update is needed. Then, the Kubernetes Plugin can be installed using apt-get install bacula-enterprise-kubernetes-plugin

On RHEL, extend the repository file for your package manager to contain a section for the plugin - /etc/yum.repos.d/bacula.repo:

name=Bacula Enterprise
[Bacula EnterpriseDockerPlugin]
name=Bacula Enterprise Kubernetes Plugin

Then perform a yum update and the Kubernetes Plugin package can be installed with yum install bacula-enterprise-kubernetes-plugin.

Manual installation of the packages can be performed after downloading the required files from your Bacula Systems download area, and then using the low-level package manager tools (rpm or dpkg) to perform the plugin installation.

Go back to the Kubernetes Installation page.

Go back to the main Kubernetes Plugin page.