Restore to Kubernetes Cluster Example
To restore Kubernetes objects to a Kubernetes cluster, the administrator should execute the restore command and specify the where parameter as in this example:
* restore where=/
and then set any other required restore plugin parameters for the restore.
* restore where=/
$ cd /@kubernetes/namespaces/plugintest/configmaps/
cwd is: /@kubernetes/namespaces/plugintest/configmaps/
$ ls
$ add *
1 file marked.
$ done
Bootstrap records written to /opt/bacula/working/bacula-devel-dir.restore.1.bsr
The Job will require the following (*=>InChanger):
Volume(s) Storage(s) SD Device(s)
Vol005 File1 FileChgr1
Volumes marked with "*" are in the Autochanger.
1 file selected to be restored.
Run Restore job
JobName: RestoreFiles
Bootstrap: /opt/bacula/working/bacula-devel-dir.restore.1.bsr
Where: /
Replace: Always
FileSet: Full Set
Backup Client: bacula-devel-fd
Restore Client: bacula-devel-fd
Storage: File1
When: 2019-09-30 12:39:13
Catalog: MyCatalog
Priority: 10
Plugin Options: *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod
Parameters to modify:
1: Level
2: Storage
3: Job
4: FileSet
5: Restore Client
6: When
7: Priority
8: Bootstrap
9: Where
10: File Relocation
11: Replace
12: JobId
13: Plugin Options
Select parameter to modify (1-13): 13
Automatically selected : kubernetes: config=/home/radekk/.kube/config
Plugin Restore Options
config: radekk/.kube/config (*None*)
host: *None* (*None*)
token: *None* (*None*)
username: *None* (*None*)
password: *None* (*None*)
verify_ssl: *None* (True)
ssl_ca_cert: *None* (*None*)
outputformat: *None* (RAW)
Use above plugin configuration? (yes/mod/no): mod
You have the following choices:
1: config (K8S config file)
2: host (K8S API server URL/Host)
3: token (K8S Bearertoken)
4: verify_ssl (K8S API server cert verification)
5: ssl_ca_cert (Custom CA Certs file to use)
6: outputformat (Output format when saving to file (JSON, YAML))
7: fdaddress (The address for listen to incoming backup pod data)
8: fdport (The port for opening socket for listen)
9: pluginhost (The endpoint address for backup pod to connect)
10: pluginport (The endpoint port to connect)
Select parameter to modify (1-8): 1
Please enter a value for config: /root/.kube/config
Plugin Restore Options
config: /root/.kube/config (*None*)
host: *None* (*None*)
token: *None* (*None*)
verify_ssl: *None* (True)
ssl_ca_cert: *None* (*None*)
outputformat: *None* (RAW)
fdaddress: *None* (*FDAddress*)
fdport: *None* (9104)
pluginhost: *None* (*FDAddress*)
pluginport: *None* (9104)
Use above plugin configuration? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=1084
The plugin does not wait for Kubernetes Objects to become ready and
online in the same way as the kubectl
or the oc
See also
Go back to Kubernetes Restore Examples.
Go back to the Kubernetes Restore page.
Go back to the Kubernetes Operations page.
Go back to the main Kubernetes Plugin page.