Installation with Package Manager on Debian/Ubuntu

  1. Configure the package manager:

Add the following to a file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bacula.list

# Bacula Enterprise - KVM
deb @@os-version@@ kvm

**@@bee-version@@** should be replaced by the version of Bacula
Enterprise you purchased (16.x.y, 14.x.y)

**@@os-version@@** is the code name of the distribution

**@@arch@@** Architecture: 32 or 64 bit


On Ubuntu 64 bit systems you will need to write deb [arch=amd64] instead of deb.

A complete example might look like this:


# Bacula Enterprise
deb buster kvm


# Bacula Enterprise
deb bionic kvm
  1. Update your package manager and verify your Bacula Enterprise repositories are correctly configured.

apt-get update
  1. Run this command to install the Bacula Enterprise packages:

apt-get install bacula-enterprise-kvm-plugin

Go back to the KVM Installation with Package Manager