Estimation and Backup Parameters

These plugin parameters are relevant only for Backup and Estimation jobs:


specifies a guest VM name to backup. All guest VMs with a <name-label> provided will be selected for backup. Multiple vm=... parameters are allowed. If guest VM with <name-label> cannot be found, then a single job error will be generated, and the backup will proceed to the next VM unless abort_on_error is set, which will cause the backup job to be aborted. This parameter is optional.


specifies a guest VM VMID to backup. Multiple vmid=... parameters may be provided. If a guest VM with <vmid> cannot be found, a job error will be generated and the backup will proceed to the next VM unless abort_on_error is set which will cause the backup job to be aborted. This parameter is optional.


specifies a list of a guest VM names to backup using regular expression syntax. All guest VMs with names matching the name regular expression provided will be selected for backup. Multiple include=... parameters may be provided. The match is performed case insensitive.

If no guest VMs are matching the name expression provided, the backup will proceed to the next parameters or finish successfully without backing up any VMs. The abort_on_error parameter will not abort the job when no guest VMs are found using name matching.

This parameter is optional.


specifies a list of guest VMs names which will be excluded from backup using regular expression matching. All guest VMs with names matching the provided regular expression, and selected for backup using the include=... parameter will be excluded. The match is performed case insensitive.

This parameter does not affect any guest VM selected to be backed up using vm=... or vmid=... parameters.

Multiple exclude=... parameters may be provided.

This parameter is optional.


specifies the default backup mode to use. The snapshot mode will generate the live backup using snapshots which minimizes the downtime of a VM during the the backup process. The suspend mode will suspend the guest VM during a backup to achieve a consistent backup. The guest VM will remain suspended during backup and will resume running once the backup of this guest VM finishes. The stop mode will shut down the guest VM before backup and the VM will be restarted when its backup finishes.

This parameter is optional. If not set, then snapshot mode will be used by default.


specifies the Proxmox storage resource <proxmox_storage> used by vzdump command during backup when the default ’local’ Proxmox storage resource has no backup content type available. The <proxmox_storage> should point to the Proxmox storage resource which has the valid backup content type added to the resource. See: vzdumpstorage. This parameter is optional. If not set, then a default ’local’ Proxmox storage resource will be used.


specifies if the backup should be performed with an I/O bandwidth limitation (in KBytes per second) on the hypervisor side. This limitation is independent from Bacula’s own bandwidth limitation feature, and is performed on a different level.

This parameter is optional. If not set, no bandwidth limitation on the hypervisor will be applied.

If none of the parameters vm=..., vmid=..., include=... and exclude=... are specified, all available guest VMs on the Proxmox hypervisor will be backed up.

See also

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