
Example of a Backup Job

*list joblog jobid=21509
| logtext                                                                                            |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. Doing FULL backup. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Start Backup JobId 21509, Job=000_bp-o9-hap_vsphere.2023-11-15_13.45.06_49 |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Connected to Storage "LocalGED" at with TLS          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Using Device "LocalGED-04" to write.                                |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Connected to Client "bp-vsir-bweb1004-fd" at bp-vsir-bweb1004:9102 with TLS |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: Connected to Storage at with TLS                      |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Volume "ged-3474" previously written, moving to end of data.         |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Ready to append to end of Volume "ged-3474" size=5,347,408           |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: Backup "bp-o9-hap" (vm-7253) start.                                  |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: Activating vSphere "Change Tracking System"                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: To activate properly CBT, a Snapshot creation/deletion cycle will now be performed. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: Create snapshot name 000_bp-o9-hap_vsphere.2023-11-15_13.45.06_49 succeeded. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: There are 2 disks.                                                   |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: End of medium on Volume "ged-3474" Bytes=1,137,843,500 Blocks=88 at 15-Nov-2023 13:47. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3478"                                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3478" on Dedup device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged), all previous data lost. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: New volume "ged-3478" mounted on device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged) at 15-Nov-2023 13:47. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: End of medium on Volume "ged-3478" Bytes=1,077,411,747 Blocks=15 at 15-Nov-2023 13:53. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3479"                                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3479" on Dedup device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged), all previous data lost. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: New volume "ged-3479" mounted on device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged) at 15-Nov-2023 13:53. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: End of medium on Volume "ged-3479" Bytes=1,113,849,764 Blocks=15 at 15-Nov-2023 13:58. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3480"                                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3480" on Dedup device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged), all previous data lost. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: New volume "ged-3480" mounted on device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged) at 15-Nov-2023 13:58. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: End of medium on Volume "ged-3480" Bytes=1,100,546,012 Blocks=18 at 15-Nov-2023 14:03. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3484"                                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3484" on Dedup device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged), all previous data lost. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: New volume "ged-3484" mounted on device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged) at 15-Nov-2023 14:03. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: End of medium on Volume "ged-3484" Bytes=1,075,511,280 Blocks=16 at 15-Nov-2023 14:07. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3485"                                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3485" on Dedup device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged), all previous data lost. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: New volume "ged-3485" mounted on device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged) at 15-Nov-2023 14:07. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: End of medium on Volume "ged-3485" Bytes=1,129,119,668 Blocks=15 at 15-Nov-2023 14:11. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3486"                                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3486" on Dedup device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged), all previous data lost. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: New volume "ged-3486" mounted on device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged) at 15-Nov-2023 14:11. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: End of medium on Volume "ged-3486" Bytes=1,091,633,114 Blocks=15 at 15-Nov-2023 14:15. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3487"                                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3487" on Dedup device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged), all previous data lost. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: New volume "ged-3487" mounted on device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged) at 15-Nov-2023 14:15. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: End of medium on Volume "ged-3487" Bytes=1,089,667,036 Blocks=20 at 15-Nov-2023 14:18. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3488"                                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3488" on Dedup device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged), all previous data lost. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: New volume "ged-3488" mounted on device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged) at 15-Nov-2023 14:18. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: End of medium on Volume "ged-3488" Bytes=1,127,284,756 Blocks=22 at 15-Nov-2023 14:22. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3489"                                          |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Recycled volume "ged-3489" on Dedup device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged), all previous data lost. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: New volume "ged-3489" mounted on device "LocalGED-04" (/bck_2/ged) at 15-Nov-2023 14:22. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: VDDK Transport "nbdssl" selected                                     |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: Dump vmdk 6000C291-8cef-5868-9f15-bea1f333c165 succeeded.            |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: VDDK Transport "nbdssl" selected                                     |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: Dump vmdk 6000C299-88b4-26f3-3145-c18324d30940 succeeded.            |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: Delete snapshot 000_bp-o9-hap_vsphere.2023-11-15_13.45.06_49 succeeded. |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-fd JobId 21509: BACKUP OK bp-o9-hap (vm-7253)                                        |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Elapsed time=00:39:32, Transfer rate=4.110 M Bytes/second            |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-sd JobId 21509: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. Despooling 2,219 bytes ...    |
| bp-vsir-bweb102-dir JobId 21509: Bacula Enterprise bp-vsir-bweb102-dir 16.0.7 (11Jul23):
  Build OS:               x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise redhat (Core)
  JobId:                  21509
  Job:                    000_bp-o9-hap_vsphere.2023-11-15_13.45.06_49
  Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
  Client:                 "bp-vsir-bweb1004-fd" 16.0.7 (11Jul23) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-bacula-enterprise,redhat,(Core)
  FileSet:                "000_bp-vsir-bweb1004-fd_bp-o9-hap_vsphere" 2023-10-25 09:59:57
  Pool:                   "GED2D" (From Command input)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "LocalGED" (From Pool resource)
  Scheduled time:         15-Nov-2023 13:45:06
  Start time:             15-Nov-2023 13:45:08
  End time:               15-Nov-2023 14:24:42
  Elapsed time:           39 mins 34 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       9
  SD Files Written:       9
  FD Bytes Written:       10,081,812,251 (10.08 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       9,749,179,049 (9.749 GB)
  Rate:                   4246.8 KB/s
  Software Compression:   3.3% 1.0:1
  Comm Line Compression:  None
  Snapshot/VSS:           no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               yes
  Volume name(s):         ged-3474|ged-3478|ged-3479|ged-3480|ged-3484|ged-3485|ged-3486|ged-3487|ged-3488|ged-3489
  Volume Session Id:      44
  Volume Session Time:    1698051447
  Last Volume Bytes:      meta: 574,097 (574.0 KB) aligned: 562,429,952 (562.4 MB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK |
| jobid  | name                  | starttime           | type | level | jobfiles | jobbytes       | jobstatus |
| 21,509 | 000_bp-o9-hap_vsphere | 2023-11-15 13:45:08 | B    | F     |        9 | 10,081,812,251 | T         |

NVRAM and VMX Files

Since version 16.0.12, the NVRAM and VMX files are automatically included as part of the backup process. They are downloaded from the datastore and from the directory where the given Virtual Machine has its disks and other files stored.

During the restore process, the NVRAM and VMX files are automatically restored to the host where the FD and the vSphere Plugin are running. NVRAM file is also uploaded to the destination folder of the Virtual Machine that is being restored.

The NVRAM file contains BIOS information and can help in some restore cases. The VMX file contains configuration information of Virtual Machines and the purpose of having it is to allow the user to read this information if necessary.

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