Single Item Restore Configuration

Storage Daemon Configuration

On the Storage Daemon host server, the bconsole program should be configured properly to let the “bacula” user connect to the Director with /opt/bacula/etc/bconsole.conf.

bacula@storage# /opt/bacula/bin/bconsole
Connecting to Director mydir-dir:9101
1000 OK: 10002 mydir-dir Version: 8.4.0 (11 August 2015)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
* version
mydir-dir Version: 8.4.0 (11 August 2015) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu
* quit

The package contains a script to test the connection with the Director and to test if the system can mount the Bacula Virtual File System properly.

bacula@storage#  /opt/bacula/scripts/ check
I: Try to restart the script with sudo...
I: Found catalog MyCatalog
I: bacula-fused started on /tmp/bee-bfuse.XXXXX
I: MyCatalog found
I: 10 Client(s) found
I: /tmp/bee-bfuse.XXXXX unmounted
I: bacula-fused (rw) started on /tmp/bee-bfuse.XXXXX
I: MyCatalog found
I: 10 Client(s) found
I: /tmp/bee-bfuse.XXXXX unmounted
OK: All tests are good.

The Bacula Virtual File System is not designed to be used by end users to browse or restore files directly. If you try to access and browse the mount point, you may not see any files or files may have strange permissions, ownerships and sizes and will inaccessible even to the root user.

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