BWeb Integration with Single Item Recovery


To use the BWeb Management Suite graphical GUI with the VMware Single File Restore option it is currently necessary to install and configure BWeb Management Suite on the Storage Daemon where vSphere jobs are stored. If the Director is not on the same machine than the Storage Daemon, remember that the administrator needs to connect to the right BWeb Management Suite instance to use specific VMware Single Item Restore screens.

After the installation of the Single Item Restore package, the BWeb service “bweb” must be restarted to take in account the bacula unix user group modification.

service bweb restart

HTTP Server Extra Configuration

To let the end user access the virtual machine files, it is necessary to set up the lighttpd daemon correctly. In this case, we advise using both SSL and user authentication. Example /opt/bweb/etc/httpd.conf:

# To enable SSL
# openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem
# chown bacula:bacula server.pem
# chmod 400 server.pem

ssl.engine = "enable"
ssl.pemfile = "/opt/bweb/etc/server.pem"

# To enable Auth login
# htpasswd -c /opt/bweb/etc/htpasswd.bweb

auth.backend = "htpasswd"
auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile =  "/opt/bweb/etc/htpasswd.bweb"
auth.require = ( "/" =>
        "method" => "basic",
        "realm" => "Password protected area",
        "require" => "valid-user"

Go back to the main SIR Installation page.

Go back to the main Single Item Restore page.

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