Virtual Full
Virtual Full Job provides a way to consolidate several jobs into one, without requesting any data from the client, based only on existing backup data.
It relies on a Next Pool directive described in the Virtual Full Jobs article.
Virtual Full backups are a way to do backups in an “Incremental forever” style while continuing to provide Full backups at the same time.
When backing up data at incremental or differential levels, Bacula (by default) does not do anything regarding removed or moved files or directories. Which implies that the result of a restoration could be different than the latest state of the machine. For that reason, we advise using “Accurate” mode which is enabled by the directive of the same name. When set to “yes” in a Job, Bacula will record removed missing files or directories, and depending on additional configuration, Bacula will also consider more criteria than just time stamps to determine if a file needs to be backed up. In this case, Bacula will restore the machine to the exact same state (from a backup content point of view) that it was in during the backups.
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