Resource Directive Format
Although, you won’t need to know the details of all the directives, a basic knowledge of Bacula resource directives is essential. Each directive contained within the resource (within the braces) is composed of a keyword followed by an equal sign (=) followed by one or more values. The keywords must be one of the known Bacula resource record keywords, and it may be composed of upper or lower case characters and spaces.
Each resource definition MUST contain a Name directive, and may optionally contain a Description directive. The Name directive is used to uniquely identify the resource. The Description directive is (will be) used during display of the Resource to provide easier human recognition. For example:
Director {
Name = "MyDir"
Description = "Main Bacula Director"
WorkingDirectory = "$HOME/bacula/bin/working"
Defines the Director resource with the name “MyDir” and a working directory $HOME/bacula/bin/working. In general, if you want spaces in a name to the right of the first equal sign (=), you must enclose that name within double quotes. Otherwise quotes are not generally necessary because once defined, quoted strings and unquoted strings are all equal.
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