Upper/Lower Case and Spaces
Case (upper/lower) and spaces are totally ignored in the resource directive keywords (the part before the equal sign).
Within the keyword (i.e. before the equal sign), spaces are not significant. Thus the keywords: name, Name, and N a m e are all identical.
Spaces after the equal sign and before the first character of the value are ignored.
In general, spaces within a value are significant (not ignored), and if
the value is a name, you must enclose the name in double quotes for the
spaces to be accepted. Names may contain up to 127 characters.
Currently, a name may contain any ASCII
character. Within a quoted
string, any character following a backslash (\) is taken as itself
(handy for inserting backslashes and double quotes (“)).
Please note, however, that Bacula resource names as well as certain
other names (e.g. Volume names) must contain only letters (including
accented letters), numbers, and a few special characters (space,
underscore, dash, dot, colon). All other characters and punctuation are
See also
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