Restoring Single Database

To restore a single database with the Bacula Enterprise MySQL Plugin, you need only to select the database directory in the restore command, the selection should contain the data file (data.sql) and the database creation script (createdb.sql).

Database content during restore

Database content during restore

When the database directory is selected, you can use the where parameter to restore the database to a new database. If you set where to a single word that contains only a..z, 0-9, . and _, Bacula will create the specified database and restore data into it.

* restore where=bacula.old

If you set the replace parameter to never, Bacula will check the database list, and will abort the Job if the database currently restored already exists.

Using replace=always is not recommended.

If the where parameter is a directory (containing /), Bacula will restore all files into this directory. Doing so, you will be able to use mysql directly and do manual restores.

Go back to the Restoring Using Dumps page.

Go back to the Restore page.

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