Restore Parameters

disconnect_network[= <0 or 1>] Specifies whether restored network interfaces need to be disconnected from their network. Default value is 0 (false)

network_address=<String> Specified when a network interface should request a static IP address at restore. This argument is a single string of name:ip_address tuples. See the FileSet examples.

new_hostname=<String> Specified when a guest VM should be restored with a specific name.

where=<String> If this parameter is set, then the disks will be restored locally at the parameter value location. Each disk will be restored as <where>/<uuid>.disk file.

During restore the Nutanix-AHV plugin uses the generic plugin parameters to access the Nutanix-AHV API. The parameters may be modified if necessary at restore time.

A restore job can only restore one guest VM at a time. To select the relevant VM the user should interact with Bacula bconsole and mark all files in the guest VM folder identified by its UUID.

cwd is: /
$ ls
$ @nutanix-ahv/
$ cd @nutanix-ahv
cwd is: /@nutanix-ahv/
$ ls
$ 690d74f9-9ce4-45fb-9b23-149afebe18f7/
$ cd 690d74f9-9ce4-45fb-9b23-149afebe18f7/
cwd is: /@nutanix-ahv/690d74f9-9ce4-45fb-9b23-149afebe18f7/
$ ls
$ cd ..
cwd is: /@nutanix-ahv/
$ mark 690d74f9-9ce4-45fb-9b23-149afebe18f7/*
4 files marked.
$ done

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