This article describes how to install Bacula Enterprise Openstack VM Plugin.
The installation process consists of two parts.
Bacula Enterprise Openstack Plugin must be installed on Openstack host machine.
First, the installation of the bacula-enterprise-openstack-vm plugin with the BIM tool.
Second, configure the plugin as described in Configuration.
Third. by running the install script located at /opt/bacula/scripts/
two times and
adjusting the Bacula director configuration.
First time with the configure option
root@user:~# /opt/bacula/scripts/ configure
Second time with the install option
root@user:~# /opt/bacula/scripts/ install
At this point a configuration sample located at
is created. Inside this file, there is a configuration example that should be adjusted and added to the Director configuration, either by editing the Director/opt/bacula/etc/bacula-dir.conf
configuration file, or using BWeb.The install script can be run the third time with the test option with
root@user:~# /opt/bacula/scripts/ test
to check if the installation is correct.
If the Bacula director already has a Client resource, the Client in bacula-dir.conf.sample
should be ignored
as the Client resource should not be duplicated.
The OpenStack account name should be the user running the cinder-backup service. Use any of the following commands to check the user running the cinder-backup service:
# systemctl status cinder.backup.service
# ps aux | grep "cinder-backup"
Here is an example how the install script should be used.
root@user:~# /opt/bacula/scripts/ configure
Enter the unix Openstack account name [stack]:
Enter the Bacula Director Name [stackdev-dir]:
Enter the Bacula Director Address [stackdev]:
Enter the Bacula Director Port [9101]:
Enter the Bacula FileDaemon name [stackdev-fd]:
INFO: Creating configuration template for the Director
/opt/bacula/openstack/bacula-dir.conf.sample will help you to setup
a Job with the Bacula Enterprise Openstack Plugin.
The template can be included in your Director configuration and
you need to review all items marked as "might need to be adjusted"
root@user:~# /opt/bacula/scripts/ install
Enter the unix Openstack account name: [stack]
Enter path to cinder drivers folder or automatically search system for it
'/opt/stack/cinder/cinder/backup/drivers/' -> '/opt/bacula/share/'
Once the director configuration is updated, run:
root@stackdev:/opt/bacula# scripts/ test
Enter the unix Openstack account name: [stack]
1000 OK: 10002 stackdev-dir Version: 18.0.2 (05 March 2024)
INFO: Connection to the Director OK
INFO: Connection from the Director to the Client OK
INFO: Plugin installed correctly
INFO: Job found on the Director
INFO: FileSet configured on the Director
INFO: RestoreJob found on the Director
INFO: Test job finished ok
bacula-dir.conf.sample file
This file contains the OpenStack Job, FileSet, Client and Console configuration required on the Director. Usually, there is no need to do any modification to the resources provided.
It will be located in the OpenStack node, in the /opt/bacula/openstack
directory, after the installation process has finished.
The Job and the Client resources are configured with MaximumConcurrentJobs = 10
. It means that you can have up to 10 instances of concurrent jobs
running. If more concurrent jobs need to be run, you must increase this value to minimum the amount of instances being backed up at the same time.
Openstack VM Plugin is installed.
See also
Go back to the main Openstack VM page.