
The following article describes details regarding backup, restore or query operations with Bacula Enterprise Openstack VM Plugin.

Bacula Enterprise Openstack Procedures

The Bacula Enterprise Openstack plugin has its own set of procedures to interact with the Openstack environment.

The user should only interact with procedures that contains the keyword execute in their name with the exception of the openstack-vm-query.

  • openstack-vm-execute-backup to instance’s volume(s) backup.

  • openstack-vm-execute-restore to instance’s volume(s) restore.

  • openstack-vm-execute-interactive-delete to delete backups, snapshots or volumes.

  • openstack-vm-query to get more information about Openstack resources.

All these procedures have their own dedicated chapter in this Operation section.


If the user wants to interact with other procedures than the ones listed above it must be done with extreme caution and contact Bacula Enterprise support beforehand.

When running a backup or a restore using the OpenStack VM Plugin, the plugin procedures will need to contact the Bacula Enterprise Director in order to run backup and restore jobs. This communication involves the Cinder Bacula Driver, and the bconsole program.

The Bacula console bconsole will be installed along with the OpenStack VM Plugin, and the console should be able to connect to your Director and have access to the local Client, the backup Job and other Bacula resources. These requirements are explained in the Installation section.

When using the OpenStack VM plugin, backups or restores must be initiated by using the OpenStack VM plugin set of procedures openstack-vm-*. However, it is always possible to run a regular backup of your OpenStack server by using a RunScript block to trigger the execution of the OpenStack VM plugin backup procedure. This will allow you to have a regular schedule defined to backup your OpenStack server, along with Instances volumes. An example of a backup job using a RunScript block to trigger an OpenStack instance volumes backup is described in the Backup in Openstack VM section.

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