
Display different information about backup, snapshot, instance and/or volumes by running the /opt/bacula/bin/openstack-vm-query with relevant parameters.


  • -b Lists backups

  • -c <admin_openrc> Path to admin-openrc.sh

  • -f <format> Format the output in one of the following format: json, table, value, yaml

  • -l Lists instances

  • -L Lists projects

  • -p Check if Cinder-backup is running

  • -P <project-id> To target query to a specific project

  • -q Check if Cinder module is installed

  • -s List snapshots

  • -v Lists volumes

  • -V Verbose output for -p and -q options

  • -h Display help


The query procedure is used to list different resources in a defined format.

/opt/bacula/bin/openstack-vm-query is the base command.

To list the instances available in the OpenStack server:

To list the backups performed:

Listing volumes and backups in a json format would result in:

Go back to the main Openstack VM page.