Manual Configuration

If you have access to BWeb and would like to use it to configure the connection to VMware infrastructure and to configure your backup jobs, skip ahead to BWeb VMware Center Module.


New in version 12.8.0

Starting with version 12.8.0 it is possible to use the config command described in Automated Configuration to interactively create a configuration in the command-line. Otherwise continue from here to configure the plugin directly with your text editor.

The vSphere network access to your ESXi or vCenter server is configured in `/opt/bacula/etc/vsphere_global.conf `.

% cat /opt/bacula/etc/vsphere_global.conf
        username = root
        password = vspherepassword
        server =
        url =
        thumbprint = 34:F5:0F:10:82:59:EF:2D:DB:96:CC:5B:C4:66:33:83:DC:91:AF:09
        root_directory = /opt/bacula/working/vsphere

Click here (recommended to open in a new tab) to see all available directives for the vsphere_global.conf file.

To get the thumbprint value, you can copy it from the ESXi console screen. Hit F2 then log in. The thumbprint is displayed in “View Support Information” under the “SSL Thumbprint (SHA1)”.

Starting with Bacula Enterprise 8.6, it is also possible to use the vsphere-ctl ’thumbprint’ command to display the thumbprint from the Bacula client.

# /opt/bacula/bin/vsphere-ctl thumbprint

The thumbprint may also be obtained via an ssh session on the ESXi host:

# openssl x509 -sha1 -in   \
    /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.crt -noout -fingerprint | cut -d '=' -f 2 "

Or on a vCenter server:

# openssl x509 -sha1 -in \
    /etc/vmware-vpx/ssl/rui.crt -noout -fingerprint | cut -d '=' -f 2 "

Go back to the main vSphere Plugin Configuration page.

Go back to the main vSphere Plugin page.