Obscure vSphere Password

Starting with the 8.0.3 version of the vSphere Plugin, it is now possible to obscure the vSphere password in the vsphere_global.conf file. The obscured password field is called hpassword.

Click here (recommended to open in a new tab) to see all available directives for the vsphere_global.conf file.

The bconsole @encode command can be used to generate the obscured password. Note that if the string you want to encode contains “=”, you must use the string= keyword in the command.

# /opt/bacula/bin/bconsole
* @encode vspherepassword

* @encode string="passwordwith="
# cat /opt/bacula/etc/vsphere_global.conf
    username = root
    hpassword = MTEyOjEyNzoGAwAYFQIVABEDAwcfAhQA
    server =
    url =
    thumbprint = 01:F5:0F:10:82:59:EF:2D:DB:96:CC:5B:C4:66:33:83:DC:91:AF:01

Go back to the main vSphere Plugin Configuration page.

Go back to the main vSphere Plugin page.