Restore to Existing VMware Guest


This option is available for Bacula 12.3 and above.

If you run a restore of a VM backup using the where=/ restore option, select all files under the VM’s directory and select the override_vm Plugin Option, the vSphere Plugin will look for the original guest in the ESXi host and restore those disks that are part of the backup. All other disks remain unchanged. If the Guest is still running, it will be powered off during restore. If the restore was successful, the guest will be powered on again.

Run Restore job
JobName:         RestoreFiles
Bootstrap:       /tmp/regress/working/
Where:           /tmp/regress/tmp/bacula-restores
Plugin Options:  *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod
Parameters to modify:
     1: Level
    13: Plugin Options
Select parameter to modify (1-13): 13
Automatically selected : vsphere: host=squeeze2
Plugin Restore Options
datastore:              *None*
restore_host:           *None*
new_hostname:           *None*
vsphere_server:         *None*
datastore_allow_overprovisioning: *None*               (yes)
datastore_minimum_space:    *None*
override_vm:            *None*              (no)
power_on:               *None*              (no)
Use above plugin configuration? (yes/mod/no): mod
You have the following choices:
     1: datastore (Datastore to use for restore)
     2: restore_host (ESXi host to use for restore)
     3: new_hostname (Restore guest VM to specified name)
     4: vsphere_server (vSphere server defined in vsphere_global.conf to use for restore)
     5: datastore_allow_overprovisioning (Allow over provisioning when creating a new VM)
     6: datastore_minimum_space (Minimum free space to keep in a Datastore (in MB))
     7: override_vm (Restore to original VM, overriding it's disks (new_hostname value will be ignored))
     8: power_on (Power on VM after restoration)
Select parameter to modify (1-6): 7
Please enter a value for override_vm: yes
Plugin Restore Options
datastore:           *None*
restore_host:        *None*
new_hostname:        *None*
vsphere_server:      *None*
datastore_allow_overprovisioning: *None*               (yes)
datastore_minimum_space: *None*
override_vm:         yes
power_on:            *None*              (no)
Use above plugin configuration? (yes/mod/no): yes

The restore options may also be modified with using the BWeb restore interface.

Go back to the vSphere Restore page.

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