With Text Console Interface
The VMware Single Item Restore plugin provides a simple console program that provides access to files inside VMs.
bacula@storage# /opt/bacula/bin/mount-vmware
Automatically Selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Client list:
2: win2008-fd
3: rhel7-fd
Select a Client: 1
Selected Client:
Job list:
1: NightlySave.2015-09-01_10.49.18_39
2: pluginTest.2015-09-01_10.40.20_04
3: pluginTest.2015-09-01_10.46.19_08
Select a Job: 2
Selected pluginTest.2015-09-01_10.40.20_04
Virtual Machine:
1: squeeze2 (5)
2: win2008 (6)
3: rhel7 (7)
Select a Virtual Machine: 1
Selected squeeze2 (5)
Actions list:
1: Mount guest filesystem locally
2: Export guest filesystem through SMB
3: Cleanup
Select a Actions: 1
Selected Mount guest filesystem locally
I: Files are available under /opt/bacula/working/vmware/5
I: Press enter to finish and cleanup the session
In this step, the virtual machine filesystem is mounted locally (in the
example above, files are available under
. It is possible to browse directories
and copy files (with cp
, scp
, ftp
) as with a standard
filesystem from another terminal session with the Unix “root” and
“bacula” accounts. If you need to use another Unix account to operate on
files, use the “-o allow_other” option when starting the
bacula@storage# ls /opt/bacula/working/vmware/5
bin dev home lib media opt root selinux sys usr vmlinuz
boot etc initrd.img lost+found mnt proc sbin srv tmp var
To clean up the session, just press “Enter” in the terminal session
where the mount-vmware
script was started.
It is possible to limit the Job list with the following command line options:
Limit the job list to the last days-l=<number>
Limit the job list to the last number entries-f=<filter>
Specify an advanced filter based on the Job name, the FileSet name or the JobId
# Limit the job output to the last 100 jobs
bacula@storage# /opt/bacula/bin/mount-vmware -l 100
# Limit the job output to the last 30 days
bacula@storage# /opt/bacula/bin/mount-vmware -s 30
# Limit the job output to jobs that start with ``MyVMware''
bacula@storage# /opt/bacula/bin/mount-vmware -f 'jobname=MyVMware*'
# BAD USAGE for the filter option, it will search for a job named ``MyVMware''
bacula@storage# /opt/bacula/bin/mount-vmware -f 'jobname=MyVMware'
# Limit the job output to jobs that start with ``MyVMware''
# and that use the FileSet Test1
bacula@storage# /opt/bacula/bin/mount-vmware -f 'jobname=MyVMware* fileset=Test1'
# Limit the job to the jobid XX
bacula@storage# /opt/bacula/bin/mount-vmware -f jobid=XX
On some cases, the device detection doesn’t work properly. It is
possible to use the -m
option to mount recognized disks in a simple
way. The option is automatically set when only one disk is selected
during the restore.
bacula@storage# /opt/bacula/bin/mount-vmware -m
See also
Go to the With BWeb Management Suite Interface article.
Go back to the Restore Scenarios article.
Go back to the Single Item Restore chapter.
Go back to the main vSphere Plugin page.