Script Configuration

  1. The script needs a configuration file where it can be read by the Bacula DIR user. We suggest copying the provided example configuration to a suitable location:

    cp -iv bsnmp.conf /opt/bacula/etc/
    chown bacula. /opt/bacula/etc/bsnmp.conf
  2. The configuration needs to be adapted. Using your favourite plain text editor, edit it:

    username = USM user name on TRAP/INFORM receiver system
    authkey = password for the above user
    ipv4 host = DNS or IP address of trap receiver. IPv4 only
    udp port = 162

    The information to put will, naturally, be very site specific and may need to be provided by a different team/person. Note that, at this time:

    • only SNMPv3 is supported (no, we do not plan to introduce non-encrypted, non-authenticated messaging!)

    • only the USM scheme is supported (we may support more in the future, but USM still seems to be the typical case)

    • only HMAC-SHA1 authentication and AES-CFB-128 encryption are supported. This will probably be extended in the future

    • only UDP transport is supported. This should not be a problem. The port number is optional, default is 162, which is the assigned port number, and thus should not need modification in most cases.

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