Linux: Install File Daemon (Client)

The following article aims at presenting the reader with instructions on how to install a File Daemon (Client), how to install chosen FD plugins, and manage firewall rules.

The File Daemon allows backing up any data stored in the system on which it is installed via the Client resource defined in the Director.


If you wish to modify arguments, run: bee_installation_manager --help.


General Prerequisites apply here.


  • Director already installed.


  1. Run BIM:

  1. Confirm the File Daemon and plugins installation with Y.

Installation of File Daemon (Client) and associated plugins
Proceed with Installation of Director and associated plugins? [Y/n] Y
  1. Provide your download area address.


    To get your Download Area URL, go to your Customer Portal, click Your Subscription from the left menu, scroll down to the very bottom. You may copy your Download Area from Your Download Area section.

Please enter your Download Area URL. This information can be found in your Customer Portal in the "Your Subscription" menu :
  1. Choose the version to be installed.


    The version of the File Daemon must not be higher than the version of the Bacula Director.

Available versions found on your Download Area for your current operating system [rhel7-64]:
  1 : 11.0.6    2 : 12.0.5    3 : 12.2.5    4 : 12.4.4    5 : 12.6.5
  6 : 12.8.4    7 : 14.0.7    8 : 16.0.3
Please, select the version of your Bacula Director ('16.0.3' by default) :
  1. Choose the plugins to be installed (optional).

The following plugins available for the File Daemon can be installed at version 16.0.3 :
  1 : antivirus          2 : azure-vm            3 : cdp
  4 : db2                5 : delta               6 : docker
  7 : google-workspace   8 : hdfs                9 : inventory
 10 : kubernetes        11 : ldap               12 : m365
 13 : mysql             14 : ndmp               15 : netapp-hfc
 16 : nutanix           17 : openshift          18 : oracle
 19 : postgresql        20 : rhv                21 : s3
 22 : sap-hana          23 : security           24 : snapshot
 25 : sybase            26 : vsphere
Select the number(s) of the plugins you want to install, separated by commas.
Leave empty and just press <Enter> to skip plugin selection :
  1. Confirm the process with Y.

Registration of File Daemon (Client) via Bweb
Proceed with Installation of Director and associated plugins? [Y/n] Y
Please enter the Automatic Configuration URL provided by Bweb :

Along with the File Daemon (Client) installation, you must proceed to register the File Daemon via Bweb. You must have the Director and BWeb installed for this. See File Daemon (Client) Creation and Registration.

  1. Confirm your Director address.

A potential Director address is detected and will be used by default: 10.0.XX.XXX
Press Enter to use 10.0.XX.XXX, or type a new Director address or type * to accept any incoming
address [10.0.XX.XXX|dir-addr|*] :
  1. Confirm the operations with ``Y`.

Ready to process the following operations
[X] Installation of : Bacula
[X] Registration of File Daemon (Client) via BWeb
[X] Managing Firewall rules

Continue or (r)etry? [Y/n/r]
  1. Proceed with Managing Firewall rules.


    Choose the default options proposed for the firewall setting, unless the policies of your company require different rules.

Managing Firewall rules
Proceed with Managing Firewall rules? [Y/n]

Available Firewalls
  1 : iptables        2 : nft             3 : firewall-cmd
Please, make your selection :  ('firewall-cmd' by default) :
  1. Confirm the process with Y.

Ready to process the following operations
[X] Installation of : Bacula
[X] Managing Firewall rules

Continue or (r)etry? [Y/n/r]


Bacula remote File Daemon is installed and registered in the Director.

Post-installation Suggestions

Verify the Access to a Newly Installed Client

  1. Go to BWeb.

  2. Click “Clients” –> “Client Overview”.

  3. Select the newly installed Client and click “Status”.


You should reach the following page:


If you can read the Client name and its Version, then it means you can start backing up and restoring this Client.


The same operation is possible also from bconsole with the use of the command: status client=ClientName

Go back to the main Bacula Installation page regarding Linux

Go back to the main Bacula Installation page