Linux: Bacula Enterprise Installation with Package Manager on RHEL
The following article aims at explaining how to install Bacula Enterprise components with the use of Package Manager on RHEL.
signature keys imported:
wget -P /tmp
@@customer@@ refers to your personalized area string. You can find your personalized URL (Download Area) from the Customer Portal (Your subscription in the menu on the left). The URL has this format:
rpm --import /tmp/BaculaSystems-Public-Signature-08-2017.asc
rm /tmp/BaculaSystems-Public-Signature-08-2017.asc
PostgreSQL installed, please run this command to install it:
dnf install postgresql-server
Initialize the PostgreSQL database engine:
postgresql-setup initdb
Configure the PostgreSQL service to start at boot time:
systemctl enable postgresql.service
Start PostgreSQL:
systemctl start postgresql.service
By default, PostgreSQL uses the IDENT method and accepts the local “bacula” user credentials.
Configure package manager:
RHEL7 uses rpm version 4.11 which does not support GPG with subkeys. Bacula Systems uses subkeys to sign newer distribution packages. In RHEL7, one must disable gpg check gpgcheck=0 in order to avoid NOKEY warnings.
If you would like to enable gpgcheck, you can install dnf (which supports subkeys) and use it to install Bacula Enterprise instead of yum.
RHEL8 and 9 use dnf by default, you can check global configuration at /etc/dnf/dnf.conf. All *.repo files found under /etc/yum.repos.d are used for repository configuration and typically take precedence over global configuration.
Add the following to a file /etc/yum.repos.d/bacula.repo
name= Bacula Enterprise
@@bee-version@@ should be replaced by the version of Bacula Enterprise you purchased (14.x.y, 12.x.y)
@@rhel@@ is the version of your RHEL distributions
@@arch@@ Architecture: 32 or 64 bit
A complete example may look like this:
name=Red Hat Enterprise - Bacula - Enterprise
Update your package manager and verify your Bacula Enterprise repositories are correctly configured:
dnf update
Run this command to install the Bacula Enterprise packages:
dnf install bacula-enterprise-postgresql
Run the following commands to create the database and grant ownership:
su - postgres
PostgreSQL: Director, Storage Daemon and Client installed.
Post-installation Suggestions
Launch the Bacula daemons:
systemctl start bacula-fd.service
systemctl start bacula-sd.service
systemctl start bacula-dir.service
Post-installation advice:
If you are using tape libraries, you might want to add the bacula user to the “tape” group.
gpasswd -a bacula tape
See also
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Linux: Bacula Enterprise Installation with Package Manager on Debian/Ubuntu
Linux: BWeb Installation with Package Manager on Debian/Ubuntu
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