Automatic Generation of Bootstrap Files
One thing that is probably worth knowing: the bootstrap files that are generated automatically at the end of the job are not as optimized as those generated by the restore command. This is because during Incremental and Differential jobs, the records pertaining to the files written for the Job are appended to the end of the bootstrap file. As consequence, all the files saved to an Incremental or Differential job will be restored first by the Full save, then by any Incremental or Differential saves.
When the bootstrap file is generated for the restore command, only one copy (the most recent) of each file is restored.
So if you have spare cycles on your machine, you could optimize the bootstrap files by doing the following:
restore client=xxx select all
Backup bootstrap file.
The above will not work if you have multiple FileSets because that will be an extra prompt. However, the restore client=xxx select all builds the in-memory tree, selecting everything and creates the bootstrap file.
The no answers the Do you want to run this (yes/mod/no) question.
Go back to the Bootstrap File chapter.
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