Release Notes for Bacula Enterprise 18.0
Both the Director (Dir) and all Storage Daemons (SDs) must be upgraded to version 18.0 as they are not compatible with earlier versions.
Catalog format in version 18.0 and greater:
The major release 18.0 of Bacula uses a new catalog format. We provide a set of scripts that convert 6.6.x and earlier catalog versions to the new 18.0 format (1027). See the Migration to New Major Version of Bacula for detailed instructions on the migration process.
The database upgrade from 1026 to 1027 is fast and simple for most users.
The Bacula Enterprise RPM spec files have been modified to detect the database change and to perform the upgrade for you (from 8.10, 10.0, 10.2, etc.). We strongly recommend that you save a copy of your existing database before upgrading using RPMs. If you want to have more control over the catalog upgrade step when upgrading using RPMs, you may want to contact the Bacula Systems support team to get the update_bacula_tables script from the updated package and run it before the RPM installation step, or you can stop the database server before the upgrade.
The Bacula Enterprise Debian and Ubuntu packages have been designed to upgrade the catalog with the dbconfig database management tool. The update_bacula_tables script from the Director package can be used to upgrade the catalog manually.
If you upgrade the BWeb Management Suite from 8.x and you use a MySQL catalog, you must first update the BWeb SQL tables with the script upgrade-8.8_10.2_mysql.sql.
If you are starting from scratch, you will not need to run the update_bacula_tables script since the create_bacula_tables script creates the tables in the new format automatically.
Important notes:
If you upgrade to from a new 16.0.0-5 installation to 16.0.6-8 with a MySQL catalog, the following SQL command must be executed in order to use the JobHisto table and features:
ADD COLUMN isVirtualFull - TINYINT - default 0,
ADD COLUMN CompressRatio - float - default 0,
ADD COLUMN Rate - - - float - default 0,
ADD COLUMN LastReadStorageId Integer - default 0,
ADD COLUMN LastReadDevice - blob,
ADD COLUMN WriteStorageId - integer - default 0,
ADD COLUMN WriteDevice - blob,
ADD COLUMN StatusInfo - - blob,
ADD COLUMN Encrypted - - int - - default 0;
For Restricted Console users, we have changed slightly the DirectoryACL=*all* and UserIdACL=*all*, if the directives are not defined in a restricted console, the restore code will allow the file listing.
Old File Daemon versions are still compatible and can be used to protect older systems such as RHEL 5, SLES 10-11.2.
Known Issues and Workarounds:
#1723 The hardlinks=yes FileSet option is not compatible with VirtualFull jobs.
This incompatibility might lead to problems performing a restore. The error message displayed during a restore job is:
Error: create_file.c:327 Could not hard link /path: ERR=No such file or directory
To restore the file correctly, the first occurrence of the hardlink file in the backup must be selected manually. The procedure to distinguish hardlinks in the catalog is available from the Bacula Systems Support team.
#4957 Copy/Migration/VirtualFull jobs based on Incomplete jobs - a potential issue.
Under some circumstances a Copy/Migration/VirtualFull job may not be able to copy the data from a Job that was interrupted and restarted using the Incomplete Job feature. In versions 10.2.3 and above, the Copy/Migration/VirtualFull job is aborted with the following error message:
Fatal error: catreq.c:691 SHA1 digest not same FileIndex=344 as attributes FI=343
Fatal error: catreq.c:691 MD5 digest not same FileIndex=344 as attributes FI=343
It is recommended to re-execute the Job that was interrupted and restarted to be able to copy/migrate the data. We do NOT recommend including Incomplete Jobs into a Progressive Virtual Full chain of jobs.
The automatic rescheduling of Incomplete Jobs should be disabled to avoid restarted Incomplete jobs finishing successfully and being selected to be copied, migrated, or consolidated in a Virtual Full. To prevent Bacula from rescheduling Incomplete Jobs, use the “RescheduleIncompleteJobs = no” Job directive.
Please contact the Bacula Systems Support team for more information on any of the above issues.
Release 18.0.7 / 11 December 2024
18.0.7 is a minor bug fix release.
Aligned Volumes:
aligned: Fix #11241 truncate function with SetVolReadOnly
bweb: Fix #11253 About incorrect characters displayed in restore file browser
bweb: Add thumbprint parameter to s3 objects plugin
bweb: Enhance Automation Center. Allow deletion of generated Jobs, add workset integration
bweb: Fix #11229 About incorrect display of job logs
bweb: Fix #qa-bweb/-/issues/14 About missing Blob Endpoint directive when editing Amazon cloud resource
bweb: Fix FileSet option cancel button in Automation Center
bweb: add strip() function
Cloud Plugin:
cloud: Fix #10280 #10288 Add support for authentication token for AWS
docs: Adding # su - postgres to examples in Migration article
docs: Ana 18.0 truncate cloud volumes
docs: Changing job to jobs in chosen commands
docs: Correcting Tags in TLS Directives
docs: bdde-fsck command changed
docs: Fixed an empty code block
docs: Modified to copy/migration when the directive applies to both copy and migration jobs
Hyper-V Winapi Plugin:
hyperv-winapi: Add “register” plugin option to restore only VM disks
hyperv-winapi: Add DVD drives that are new
hyperv-winapi: Add keep_mac_address and disconnect_switch optional directives
hyperv-winapi: Add message during restore of a VM
hyperv-winapi: DVD drives are restored empty. Info is given to the joblog of the original image location
hyperv-winapi: Display DVD path name only if needed at restore time
hyperv-winapi: Fix #11184 Restore NetworkAdapter(s)
hyperv-winapi: Fix #11195 Restoration takes more parameters into account
hyperv-winapi: Fix #11208 About error message after cancel
hyperv-winapi: Fix #11227 Display a warning when the VM cannot be migrated back to the original host
hyperv-winapi: Fix #11233 About issue when the cluster is not accessible
hyperv-winapi: Fix incorrect dynamic memory settings at restore
hyperv-winapi: Make sure that vhdx.exe is terminated when the job is cancelled
hyperv-winapi: Restore buffer parameter with Set-VMMemory
hyperv-winapi: Store PID when using vhdx.exe to properly handle the cancel event
Kubernetes Plugin:
k8s: Add parallel job in same namespace
k8s: Add pvc annotation takes precedence without pod annotation
k8s: Add pvc clean up from old backup jobs
k8s: Fix get provisioner permissions
k8s: Get images from repositories with auth
Microsoft 365 Plugin:
m365: Drive fix relocation when path is too long and also found the same file as a folder in the same path
m365: Improve Replace handling in OneDrive
m365: Jump over error 500 when searching for sub-sites. Do not search subsites if site is not found at restore session
m365: OneDrive fixes for duplicated paths
m365: Sharepoint site members backup and restore
m365: Solve size limit on list methods
m365: Update pst project version reference
m365: meta-plugin giving more info on protocol error situations
Openstack VM Plugin:
openstack-vm: Adds –all-projects flag backup capacity
openstack-vm: Change the way stdin and stderr information from backint is processed
openstack-vm: Dynamically build chunked driver depending on available arguments
openstack-vm: Restore backup project id and all projects
S3 Plugin:
s3: Add thumbprint parameter
s3: Fix owner reference in query objects. Fix generator version reference
s3: Introduce trust_all_certificates option for the different clients. Libs upgrade
s3: Query thumbprint. Trust thumbprint or trust any local certificate if we have an endpoint
vSphere Plugin:
vsphere: Add mor for vapps listing
vsphere: Make server parameter not mandatory. Use number of the version in the .jar file
vsphere: Version info from pom.xml. Timeout by default in milliseconds. Better resilliency in getVMName
win32: Call TerminateProcess when using close_bpipe()
win32: Disable WMI by default in the installer
win32: Fix segfault during windows startup
meta-plugin: It is now possible to send an input stream without sending the header / EOD combo
meta-plugin: Add SSL certificate manager to easily handle thumbprints and certificates
meta-plugin: Change certificate algorithm to SHA-256 and ignore the ‘:’ character
ldap: Fix #11252 About TLS parameters not properly used
plugins: General update of lombok and log4j to avoid Java 21+ compiling problems
oracle: Allow using localdir to use files directly
postgresql: Use default rights when restoring files to local directory
scan_plugin: Configure abort_on_error automatically when required by a plugin
scan_plugin: Do not generate configuration files with a space
scan_plugin: Fix Admin job when JobDefs is not specific enough
Fix #10292 Prevent ‘PoolUncopiedJobs’ feature from queuing the same JobIds more than once
Fix #11251 About bcopy not correctly mounting volumes provided with -i option
Fix #11270 About bsmtp segfault on RHEL 8
Bugs fixed/closed since last release: 10280 10292 103 10317 10725 10816 10895 10994 11184 11195 11208 11227 11229 11233 11241 11251 11252
Release 18.0.5 / 14 October 2024
18.0.5 is a minor bug fix release.
bweb: Add few more plugins to the list
bweb: Add korean support
bweb: Add support for Xenserver Plugin in the Automation Center
bweb: Disable VSS for hyperv and mssql filesets generated with the scan_plugin
bweb: Display only plugins compatible with the scan plugin in the Automation Center
bweb: Fix #11117 About device status icon in Storage Overview
bweb: Fix #11128 About displaying empty pie charts when we have no data
bweb: Fix #11159 about inconsistent displayed plugin logo during backup
bweb: Fix #11168 About incorrect behavior when nb_grouping_separator is not set
bweb: Fix device status with running jobs
bweb: Fix graph display with no volume
bweb: Fix pie/stackpercent charts with lot of elements
bweb: Add HyperV, AzureVM, AmazonEC2 and Nutanix to the Single Item Restore shortcut
bweb: Add AuthenticationMethods directives
Dedup 2 Plugin:
dedup2: Fix bug in bextract when reporting rehydration errors
docs: Add list fileevents jobid=<xx> to Console commands
docs: Add reference about list fileevents jobid=<xx> to Jobs monitoring article
docs: Add the MySQL plugin option backup_software to address some special cases
docs: Add verbose parameter to the proxmox documentation
docs: Added more details about object lock / immutability in the Cloud S3/Amazon documentation
docs: Adding Hyper-V WinAPI link to main page + creating notes with recommendations
docs: Adding troubleshooting answer: Impact of HBA-attached disks on BMR restores
docs: Changed paragraph about Archive Device
docs: Corrected BlobEndpoint description to contain both Azure and Amazon mentions
docs: Fix default value for Device/SyncOnClose directive
docs: Fixing vSphere table
docs: MySQL limitation discarded
docs: Publish RNs 18.0.4
docs: Reformat directives from Console resource (excluded ConsoleFont)
docs: Reformatting Client Client directives
docs: Removing untrue information about Cinder Driver supporting Incremental and Differential backup
docs: Restart command updated with a limitation regarding plugins
docs: Security Plugin reviewed and restructured
docs: Small changes in the recycling algorithm section
docs: Update documentation on lastbackedupto
docs: Update upgrade chapter to 18.0
Hyper-V Plugin:
hyperv-winapi: Fix #11136 GetRestoreObject VM retrieval
hyperv-winapi: Fix #11163 add “vm” as parse_command parameter
hyperv-winapi: Fix #11110 Remove unused restore params
Kubernetes Plugin:
k8s: Add new level(In pvc annotations) in selection of backup mode
k8s: Add support pvcdata list in estimation jobs
k8s: Fix show pvdatada message when you don’t use it
Microsoft 365 Plugin:
m365: Backup sharedWithMe Onedrive objects just once
m365: Do not let java process running after a failed restore just because not receiving the jobend meta protocol phase
m365: Fix runtime error with missing from azure-core package
m365: Fixes on OneDrive downloads for SystemLibraries
m365: Increase DeviceCode Auth timeout. Fix estimate. Improve restore drive speed
m365: Rename too long path on restore (Drive). Checkin files that were checked-out (sharepoint)
m365: Replace checked-in files only if restore replace variable is always or ifolder
m365: Small fix to avoid warning message
MySQL Plugin:
mssql: Fix #11121 About restoring datatabase on a different server/instance
MSSQL Plugin:
mysql: Fix #11141 Use connection parameters prior to the dump_opt option
Openstack VM Plugin:
openstack-vm: Add the possibility to backup multiple VMs in one command
openstack-vm: Now handles wildcards in -b argument
Proxmox Plugin:
proxmox: Fix #11133 add verbose flag to display more information during a backup
CitrixHypervisor (Xenserver) Plugin:
xenserver: Document secure mode with new parameters
xenserver: Fix #11157 About canceling a job after a nbd-mount or a snapshot creation issue when abort_on_error is set
xenserver: Fix .query interface for scan_plugin
Add use_import_export configuration option to mtx-changer
Fix #11107 About incorrect list metadata help command
Fix #11126 Rework the LastBackedUpTo Storage Group Policy
Fix #11126 Use Pool’s StoragePolicy when using the Storage resource defined in the Pool
Fix #11165 generating a BSR file when the disk is full
Fix #9305/2 At restore time, show wrong Backup Client when modifying client
Use case insensitive search to assign storage group policies
Fix #11178 About authentication issue with 9.0 FileDaemon
Fix segfault on ARM64 with json tools
rpms: Add spec file for big-fs on sles
rpms: Fix #11125 About incorrect permission on callhome plugin file
rpms: Fix dedup2 compilation
rpms: Fix libcurl in sles
scan_plugin: Accept xenserver malformed output
scan_plugin: Fix JSON help message information
scan_plugin: escape @ to _at_ instead of 0x40
sir: Fix #11150 about segfault during initialization
sir: Fix check procedure when the console has pending messages
update bacula-resource-auto-creator
update mtx-changer-python
Bugs fixed/closed since last release: 11107 11110 11117 11121 11125 11126 11128 11133 11136 11141 11150 11157 11159 11163 11165 11168 8 9305
Release 18.0.4 / 06 September 2024
18.0.4 is a minor bug fix release.
Aligned Volumes:
aligned: Add support for Immutable and ReadOnly to Aligned volumes
Cloud Plugin:
cloud: display error returned by the driver
cloud: Fix #10836 clarify cloud status display
cloud: Add .query interface to manage cloud functions
cloud: Implement Tier Support
Kubernetes Plugin:
k8s: Add dockerfile to create an image to compile k8s plugin in any debian/ubuntu distribution
k8s: Add ingress component in backup list and add recomendation when to try to restore pods that create new data if pvc is empty
k8s: Add more options to debug
k8s: Avoid pvc data when pvc is in Pending status. k8s: Fix redoing backup when pvcdata is 0 bytes and the backup mode is standard
k8s: Avoid pvcs backup when the pvc status is Terminating
k8s: Define backup_mode parameter
k8s: Fix #0010901 - Problem when restore service clusterIPs
k8s: Fix #0011005: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘baculak8s.plugins.k8sbackend.ingress’
k8s: Fix restore problem where pod require the pvc data when it starts
k8s: Add k8s dependency versions in requirements
k8s: Add Ingress integration backup/restore
bweb: Add check for server version in
bweb: Add empty message in the Automation center page
bweb: Add function to get Job JSON description with JobDefs
bweb: Add information during initial configuration
bweb: Add level input to Automation Wizard
bweb: Add new StorageClass directive values
bweb: Add to initial wizard setting up pruning options
bweb: Display Job and Admin job for automation job list. Add JobDefs information such as Schedule
bweb: Display mode option for QEMU plugin
bweb: Fix #10976 set in fileset include/exclude fields unix root directory path
bweb: Fix #11054 Display Bytes, ReadBytes, Average and Current Speed in MiB-GiB/s
bweb: Fix #11059/2 incorrect timestamp in object version browser
bweb: Fix #11068 about incorrect QR code display
bweb: Fix #11092 About ClearIO function using loaded slots
bweb: Fix SSH key generation
bweb: Fix StorageGroupPolicy list in Job/JobDefs page
bweb: Fix amazon-rds doc link
bweb: Fix displayed Virtual machine dashboard and database dashboard
bweb: Fix documentation links
bweb: Fix duplicate entries in the Automation Center job list
bweb: Fix incorrect label in Object dashboard for the Backup Count graph
bweb: Fix issue with proxmox edition page
bweb: Fix job Automation center job list
bweb: Fix missing plugin_option in Automation Center
bweb: Generate unique automation names
bweb: Implement Plugin queries for MySQL
bweb: Improve Automation Center scan options
bweb: Improve QEMU/Proxmox automation part
bweb: Improve displaying long email address in M365 restore email browser
bweb: Instruct to use Level=Full in proxmox plugin
bweb: Pass autocommit when deleting an automation job
bweb: Reduce the size of the plugin section names
bweb: Report .query errors in the Automation Center
bweb: Fix #10254 in storage wizard disable AllowCompression directive for aligned type storage
bweb: Fix #10807 add support for multiple automations per client and plugin
bweb: Fix #10897 update to version 3.52
bweb: Fix #10944 in restore wizard add message about jobs that have file records purged
bweb: Fix #10956 display job level for copy jobs
bweb: Fix #10926 and #10927 add support for colon character in configuration resource names
bweb: Rework Autochanger feature
bweb: Select automatically the Storage Daemon in the overview page
Dedup 2 Plugin:
dedup2: All repair modes can use -r to replace the old index with the new one.
dedup2: Fix #11028 add File.FileId to btools parse_dedup_badref output
dedup2: Fix #11029 add a suffix to db name generated by btools parse_dedup_badref
dedup2: Deny vacuum on a read-only dedupengine
dedup2: Fix #10974 “unavailable” extent wrongly converted into “scrub”
dedup2: In-place rollback and repair of the index
dedup2: New -I option to bls for developers only
dedup2: add jobid and stime information in the extent
dedup2: bls or bextract display dedup2 open error message
dedup2: bug fixes and enhancements for rebuilding index fromcontainers and vaccum rebase
dedup2: bug fixes for managing the vacuum_overloaded variable in the storage daemon
dedup2: enforce read-only mode in init_dedup_engine2 for storage and index
dedup2: fix bug about moving/moved extents
dedup2: fix extra messages for bad index record in bdde-check
dedup2: fix in-place rollback is always running
dedup2: fix race condition responsible for overloaded extent
dedup2: fix the vacuum that can leave the DDE corrupted when unexpectedly interrupted
dedup2: improve error message for chunk not found in the index
dedup2: open the index in read-only mode
dedup2: reduce container footprint in cache via POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED
dedup2: rollback must keep rdy4sync extent as used
dedup2: switch back to bzero when initializing tcindex_stat in bdde-fsck
dedup: Use O_CLOEXEC by default in open calls
docs: Add an example to create a stub job to call RMAN
docs: Add documentation for JobTimestamp variable
docs: Added comment to flag %I that it applies to runscript
docs: Added example to advanced restore chapter with using custom plugin options
docs: Added link to Percona Tools installation to Binary Mode - Percona XtraBackup and Mariabackup articles
docs: Added paragraph in best practices about long-running restores
docs: Adding BGuardian mention to Security Features articles
docs: Adding a note about AppStream repository in all SIR installation articles
docs: Adding dedup console command
docs: Adding limitation about Catalog running to BGuardian
docs: Adding note about reading general best practices for hypervisors
docs: Adding speed type into Recognized Primitive Data Types
docs: Adjusting location of the cloud directives
docs: new_netwrok - definition modification - new_network_device_name - definition modification
docs: Changing sentence about Proxmox plugin compatibility with Proxmox VE
docs: Dedup2 index rebuild documentation
docs: Deleting Autochanger resource from Director
docs: Document Job::Encrypted field
docs: Document how to identify and remove orphaned java backend processes
docs: Fix LastBackedUp to keyword in New Features section
docs: How-to guides for simple BWeb operations
docs: Improve PITR Configuration subarticles
docs: Improve documentation in Restoring Complete Cluster Using PITR
docs: Improvements to the definition of the namespace and pvcdata options
docs: Meta page about mssql plugins
docs: Moving Fileset examples from Operations to Configuration
docs: Removed recommendation to use snapshot with databases
docs: Removed version number from the title of new features article
docs: Renaming file recovery.conf to postgresql.recovery.conf
docs: 16.0.14 release notes to published
docs: SAP plugin article changed option list to table
docs: Sentence about not supporting version higher than 8.0 with MySQL
docs: Sharepoints comments about restore and Query command better examples
docs: Title change to include Mariabackup
docs: Update accurate flags for accurate jobs and add NextPool directorive to the job directives
docs: amazon-ec2: New restore parameters and comments. New permissions. Hypervisor to cloud options
docs: azure-vm: Documentation update for local restore possibility
docs: changed stretch to bullseye since this plugin in only supported in Debian 11 right now
docs: hyperv-winapi: Separate wmi and winapi documentation and add new winapi documentation
docs: hyperv-winapi: Update documentation on boot order after MT10887
Hyper-V WMI Plugin:
hyperv-winapi: Fix #10887 Better handling of gen 2 VM boot order
hyperv-winapi: bump script version
hyperv-winapi: fix restore after file format changes
hyperv-winapi: move restore vm renaming at creation stage
hyperv-winapi: new file formats for SIR
sir: HYPERV WINAPI Single Item Restore implementation
Inventory Plugin:
inventory: Use bfopen instead of fopen
KVM Plugin:
kvm: Fix #10709 About backup issue with a mounted CDROM
Microsoft 365 Plugin:
m365: Adapt .query output for sharepoint to better integrate it with scanplugin when we have sub-sites
m365: Add id and other information to .query command. Adapt backup to interpret site id, even with ;
m365: Add list of allowed values to Enum and normalize int values for plugin-options .query
m365: Add new queries for BCenter (config-file list, plugin-options and service-entity-map)
m365: Add uuid in query commands potentially used by scan_plugin
m365: Added sharepoint new restore param. Added missing drive parameters to bweb
m365: Adjust plugin-options query to dictionary mode
m365: Do not fail with access denied error when uploading drive items in restore
m365: Do not show error in .ls or query commands outputs while listing sites
m365: Do not stop listing sites wity .ls or .query if we have trouble with sub-sites
m365: Downgrade building plugins to keep compatibility with old Maven and RHEL8
m365: Enable/disable noscript parameter on Drive site restores. Other internal improvements
m365: Fix Sharepoint race condition with associated drive items #10827
m365: Fix contacts not generating plugin object when all users are included
m365: Fix filter(s) by name fields when value is a number. Handle 500 response for not found message rules. Added .query decode|url method
m365: Fix invalid field ref for Sharepoint template
m365: Fix issue with Sharepoint and different domains in the organization
m365: Fix not all Sharepoint sites being listed when we have more than 200 #10915
m365: Fix owner restore protection user is removed. Included Java PID
m365: Fix restore to M365 from Sites that contain a ‘/’ in their name. #10961
m365: Format different new .query methods to accomodate BCenter needs
m365: Ignore Files tab at restore time in teams module #11010
m365: Improve date selection on meta table. Fix intervention message and date
m365: Increase Jar version after .query changes
m365: Libraries upgrade
m365: Remove BWeb explicit word on registration
m365: Restore improvements on error conditions. Added more debug. Include SitePages in Sharepoint backup.
m365: Retry 400 request when listing drive units. Do not repeat those requests if possible. Control extra case on restore
m365: Return full objects for user, group, site, team in .query with parameter=json|xxxx
m365: Sharepoint improvements about very specific situations on restore
m365: Sharepoint improvements while restoring full site with system lists included
m365: Show message in .query login, when no user is specified
m365: Support query=team in addition to query=teams in order to properly support scan_plugin
m365: Update PnP framework
m365: Version internal alignment with Bacula
m365-pst: Align m365 version dependency
m365-pst: Fix compilation error by not finding mvn.wrapper
m365-pst: Fix dependency problem
m365-pst: Fix reference to the main project
MySQL Plugin:
mssql: Fix incorrect fopen() call
mssql: Fix warning reported by cpp-check
mysql: Add support for MySQL Community 8.2 and 8.4
mysql-prepare: Use bfopen instead of fopen
NDMP Plugin:
ndmp: Fix #10977 About SMTAPE restore issue with incorrect FILESYSTEM variable
ndmp: Fix #11047 restore issue when using CAB extension
ndmp: Use bfopen instead of fopen
Openstack VM Plugin:
openstack: Add second check for cinder-backup in volume list in case it is containered
openstack: Fix an issue that would crash the restore when non-bacula backups were present on the system
openstack: Fix user detection in install script when tripel is not defined
openstack: Fixing openstack tmpdir naming inconsistencies
Big FS Plugin:
big-fs: Add master job id recognition when stating in CLI mode
big-fs: Add test job during with install test directive
big-fs: Additional check in install script
big-fs: Change type of sbtctx value from bool to int
big-fs: Each run of big-fs has its own lockfile
big-fs: Keeping track of master jobid across backint/fd
big-fs: Remove problematic check of empty include clause
big-fs: Replace openstack occurence in install script
big-fs: Solves an issue that made the program crash when getting a create file call
big-fs: Solves slowness issues
big-fs: Use additional lock return code to fix an issue when old pid file is not clear correctly
big-fs: jobfile create and check for fifo waiting
big-fs: Add another return code for create lockfile in case program calls itself
Amazon EC2 Plugin:
amazon-ec2: Adapt block headers to reference a disk without headers
amazon-ec2: Fix log4.dat problem in some platforms
amazon-ec2: Keep the same block order in .bmp than in the .bimg disk file
Amazon RDS Plugin:
amazon-rds: Backup cycle completed. Recycling and removing process implemented
amazon-rds: Cluster AZ zone control. Catalog path simplification. Cluster backup fixes
amazon-rds: Clusters management. Code refactoring. Query-list instances and clusters
amazon-rds: DAO layer implemented for cluster, instance and snapshots
amazon-rds: Export initial actions. Basic backup cycle
amazon-rds: Exports management and s3 data download
amazon-rds: Fix parquet_socket parameter name
amazon-rds: Format all source files to standarize indentation
amazon-rds: Logging code to try to catch unhandled exceptions. Fixed MetaPlugin restore cycle when errors happen
amazon-rds: Logging improvements
amazon-rds: MySQL connection code test and dependencies
amazon-rds: MySQL restore integrated. Code comments and updated Amazon SDK
amazon-rds: Parquet restore mode adjustments. Working now
amazon-rds: Pitr recovery logic
amazon-rds: Project initialization
amazon-rds: Remove some redundant code lines, include FAILED state check for export task
amazon-rds: Restore instance and cluster from snapshot
amazon-rds: Restore parquet logic
amazon-rds: Restore tables even if they are empty. MySQL fixes
amazon-rds: Amazon RDS Backup Plugin implementation
Azure Plugin:
azure-vm: Add a fallback is default snapshot name is too big
azure-vm: Add single header for the size of whole disk at full backup time
azure-vm: Adds diskSize header to bmp files
azure-vm: Better regexp compilation + correctly handles diskSize headers in bmp files
azure-vm: Change configuration from list to stack
azure-vm: Change permission during backup on stat pkt
azure-vm: Depencies update
azure-vm: Fixing sending protocol for bmp files
azure-vm: Get mode for stat pkt now handles ‘E’mpty job cancellation on abort on error
azure-vm: Handling bitmap pkt at restore time
azure-vm: Implement file index and coherent disk naming
azure-vm: Implement local restore mode
azure-vm: Local restore implementation
azure-vm: Now sending configuration as restored object
azure-vm: Plugin now uses offset flag for disk backup
azure-vm: Restore for single header file from full backup updated
azure-vm: Sending of bmp/abmp file to bacula at backup time
azure-vm: Using exposed flags instead of locally defines var in backend
Nutanix-AHV Plugin:
nutanix-ahv: Dependency update
nutanix-ahv: Fix issue with permission and UID GID at backup time
nutanix-ahv: Plugin now has the possibility to use offset flag
nutanix-ahv: Using exposed flag instead of locally defines var in backend
QEMU Plugin:
qemu: Add UUID to the .query vm output
qemu: Add scan_plugin support for qemu proxmox (mode=pve)
qemu: Fix .query output with vm/vmid
qemu: Fix file headers
qemu: Remove UUID from VM listing
qemu: Use O_CLOEXEC flag
Quobyte Plugin:
quobyte: Add message for the OneFS=no and update the message when Enabling Snapshots
quobyte: Fix #10935 subvolume selection
quobyte: Fix issue with volume that never had snapshots
quobyte: Set oneFS=no automatically when using the plugin
quobyte: Wait for snapshot creation
Sharepoint Plugin:
sharepoint: Fix incorrect error message
vSphere Plugin:
vsphere: Adjust restore messages for new_network parameters
vsphere: Fix #10939 About keeping the snapshot generated during backup
vsphere: Fix bad openssl variable name. Add datastores when listing hostsystems
vsphere: Fix duplicated server= entry for query parameter=server. Renamed api one to server_api
vsphere: Fix error while setting network at restore time
vsphere: Fix instant recovery disk paths. Avoid searching for targets in NFS and other commands (to speed them up). JDK 21 compatibility
vsphere: Recover FIPS related configurations in vsphere-ctl
vsphere: Search network by moref, in addition to by name at restore time. #10983
Windows BMR Plugin:
winbmr: Fix cpp-check warning
CitrixHypervisor (Xenserver) Plugin:
xenserver: Use bfopen instead of fopen
xenserver: Add few O_CLOEXEC to open calls
xenserver: Enhance parameter scanning for new options
xenserver: Fix log message about secure mode putting it in certfile param instead of cacertfile param
xenserver: Fix sending pluginobject in incremental jobs
xenserver: Handle secure connection parameters (certfile, keyfile…). Invoke modprobe nbd. Send PluginObject always
xenserver: Log secure/insecure mode
win32: Add support for GSASL
win32: Comment out our nanosleep()
win32: Disable inherit in bfopen()
win32: Limit the scope of the open files
win32: Use pthread_cond_wait instead of mingw nanosleep on Windows platform
meta-plugin: Added offset flag handling. Updated libraries
meta-plugin: Exposing delta/offset flag via static getter method
meta-plugin: Fix delta-offset flags when they are set alone
metaplugin: Update meta-plugin dependencies and JUnit to have it fine for JDK 21. Update lombok everywhere aswell
metaplugin: Include bacula jobid in the backend calls as BACULA_JOBID env variable
msad: Fix #10118 About missing error message when using incorrect HBINDPASS attribute
msad: Report a warning if HBINDPASS is too short
rpms: Add amazon-rds spec file
rpms: Add bacula python tools for mtx and autochangers
rpms: Add bweb configuration automatically if needed
rpms: Add python docopt dependency for rhel8 and rhel7
rpms: Fix amazon-rds spec file
rpms: update spec file to include GSASL
bfuse: If vmbackend cannot create a disk it exit 1 with an error messgage instead of segfault
bfuse: Replace deprecated ENOATTR with ENODATA
bfuse: Retrun false earlier in azure vm disk recrod when parsing phase goes bad
bfuse: Special case if the header match diskSize for azurevm
bfuse: Working parsing implementation still need to remove gdb comments
bfuse: amazon-ec2 Single Item Restore implementation
bfuse: azure-vm and winapi give correct moref for vmanme to be compatible with beweb
scan-plugin: Do not override elements created by a different configuration file having another uuid
scan_plugin: Do not generate job names with :
scan_plugin: Use vmid as uuid
security-fd: Use bfopen instead of fopen
security-fd: Fix #11072 Print a message when starting the security checks in job log
Add SOCK_CLOEXEC to bnet_server sockets
Add .jobs [enabled|disabled] option
Add extended version with -v -? on all daemons
Add list of installed SD drivers to .status storage header
Add from
Add bacula-resource-auto-creator from
Add new .jlist metadata target=folders|tags parameter
BSOCK improve POLL to detect and report errors
Check for backquote in check_for_invalid_chars() function
cdp: Use bfopen instead of fopen
Fix #10262 segfault when permission cannot be changed on a read-only FS
Fix #10793 extent query strorage filename to return access and attributes
Fix #10919 About extra job message sent during startup
Fix #10947 time output without century for locale that use multi bytes utf8
Fix #10985 Report the FD/SD Encryption in the Job record and the job output
Fix #11002 About crash while purging client jobs
Fix #11009 About issue when migrating community catalog 9.4
Fix #11048 About LastBackedUpTo StorageGroup policy not correctly set
Fix #11058 About fsync error reported for tape driver
Fix #11062 Improve BLOCKED message when the tape device was disabled by TapeAlert
Fix Scheduled Jobs counting in status director command
Fix qa-core-features#44 About incorrect PruneJobs=yes/PruneFiles=yes handling
Fix segfault in ua_prune introduced with avanced Pruning checking
Fix segfault when using bregex on large chunks of data
Fix the FileEvent list is not reset between files
Handle new PostgreSQL public schema permissions from grant_bacula_privileges
Refactor code around Autoprune/PruneFiles/PruneJobs
Use bclose_from() in daemon.c
Use bfopen instead of fopen in various tools
Use the base SHA for the bacula source tree in the build information
acsls: Improvements after code review for open files management
add baselist.clear() to remove all the items
mtx-changer-python: Changed log level in two places, and added a throw-away first sg_logs test based on physical tape drive tests.
Add SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication algorigthm
Bugs fixed/closed since last release: 10118 10254 10262 10709 10793 10807 10827 10836 10887 10897 10901 10915 10919 10926 10935 10939 10944 10947 10956 10961 10974 10976 10977 10983 10985 11002 11005 11009 11010 11028 11029 11047 11048 11054 11058 11059 11062 11068 11072 11092 44
Release 18.0.3 / 27 March 2024
18.0.3 is a major release.
Security & Monitoring:
Introduction of BGuardian for Poisoning Detection and Configuration Assessment.
Enhanced Key Management for Storage Level Encryption.
Security Improvements in BConsole.
Development of a Cybersecurity Dashboard (Work in Progress).
Error Files Tracking feature.
Pruning Enable/Disable option per Job.
Storage, NAS & FileSystems:
Support for NetApp Cluster Aware Backup (NDMP CAB).
NDMP Incremental Forever feature.
Automatic workload configuration via scan plugin.
HPE StoreOnce Catalyst Plugin now supports Immutability.
Integration with Quobyte (Work in Progress).
Cloud, Containers & Hypervisors:
New plugins for OpenStack Cinder and Azure Virtual Machine with Incremental Backup support.
Enhanced VMWare/vSphere support for nvram/vxdd files and FIPs compliance.
Kubernetes CSI Snapshot support.
Introduction of Hyper-V WinAPI and Amazon EC2 Plugins.
Core Enhancements:
Advanced Job Queue Control.
Improved Storage Group Policies.
Remote Daemon Configuration for FD & SD (Work in Progress).
Native Multitenancy support.
Applications & Databases:
New Microsoft Exchange EWS Single Email Level Plugin.
Oracle RAC support on AIX.
Usability Improvements:
General Enhancements to BWeb.
New automation wizard via scan plugin.
Added ControlJobId in Catalog job record for better migration/copy job tracking.
Introduced bVarSnapshot for snapshot enablement by plugins.
Detailed Changes since Beta 18.0.2
Amazon EC2 Plugin:
amazon-ec2: AMI SSM Resolver. Command line restore without references completed
amazon-ec2: Allow to choose restore root disk from file disk name or disk index. Handle correctly root disk + key. Better log
amazon-ec2: Fix disk attach name when exists. Find existing instance when restoring only disks
amazon-ec2: Fixes and improvements on the experience with bec2 cli
amazon-ec2: Fixes on image based restore and instance-only restore from bec2
amazon-ec2: Fixes on no-referenced restores. Enriched logging and code simplifications
amazon-ec2: Add –parameters call for h2cloud and other small fixes
amazon-ec2: Fixes for cross-hypervisor restore. Ovf matching with instance type. Subnet and other extra parameters
amazon-ec2: Log vCpus and RAM detected from ovf
amazon-ec2: Add Management of root volume at restore time. Restore code refactor
amazon-ec2: Map network and name from Ovf. Generalize Ovf code to support future different mechanisms
amazon-ec2: Remove duplicated log
amazon-ec2: Select root volume for instance attach (without creation)
amazon-ec2: Support for restore volume over an existing instance
amazon-ec2: New parameters added for restoring and h2cloud use cases
Azure Plugin:
azure-vm: Changed accurate plugin parameter to make it mandatory for plugin
bweb: Add StorageGroupPolicyThreshold and DisableQueryCommand directives support
bweb: Add backup_mode option to kubernetes plugin configuration
bweb: Add hyper-v winapi plugin support
bweb: Add message to plugin options in automation wizard
bweb: Add need_accurate information to plugin json description
bweb: Add quobyte plugin support
bweb: Add s3 force_path_style
bweb: Add timeout option support to runscript subresource
bweb: Add to automation functions accurate mode in jobs which plugins require it
bweb: Add version option support to winbmr plugin settings
bweb: Fix #10801 about use_uuid in scan_plugin
bweb: Fix #10812 About sorting description field with scan_plugin
bweb: Fix losing job options setting in automation wizard
bweb: Fix title in window with hyper-v wmi plugin setting
bweb: keep the name instead of the uuid for the fileset name in scan_plugin
Cloud Plugin:
cloud: Fix 10788 s3 driver clean uses alist instead of ilist
cloud: generic driver clean uses alist instead of ilist
cloud: Fix 10788 cloud volume deletion crash
Dedup 2 Plugin:
dedup2: Fix #10790 SD stuck in a copy job because of a MISS chunk
dedup2: Fix copy/mig false error “size in reference doesn’t match size of chunk”
docs: Changed version from 16.0.7 to 16.0.12 in BGuradian Scope
docs: Publishing Amazon EC2
Hyper-V Winapi Plugin:
hyperv-winapi: order recovery actions
Kubernetes Plugin:
k8s: Add backup_mode parameter, add resiliance when snapshot backup is not compatible and clone backup fails and minor fixes
k8s: Fix #10669: When a node have not any pvc
k8s: Add check snapshot api-resource available
k8s: Fix when ‘volumesnapshotclasses’ resource is not available in cluster
Openstack VM Plugin:
openstack-vm: Additional check of configuration/compatibility for os-backint
openstack-vm: Automatic snapshot deletion
openstack-vm: Better error handling via return codes
openstack-vm: Better verbose output and check for query -q
openstack-vm: Changed argument parsing for other main python procedure
openstack-vm: Concurrent job option passed as string
openstack-vm: Fix double job issue at backup time
openstack-vm: Fixed restore mode with openstack strange debug message
openstack-vm: Fixes install script default dir conf comment
openstack-vm: Now procedure fails gracefully when snapshot fails
openstack-vm: Number of max concurrent job set at runtime and removed from os-backint-conf
openstack-vm: Option -b to -B new option -b backup from instance name
openstack-vm: Remove mention of cluster in default conf file
openstack-vm: Adds explicit number of parallel job parameters
Microsoft 365 Plugin:
m365-pst: Conversion for emails, attachments and contacts. Code organization. Management of external lib
m365-pst: Handle calendars and contacts. Fix folder management
Nutanix-AHV Plugin:
nutanix-ahv: Add restore object send capabilities + sending configuration as said restore object during backup
nutanix-ahv: Add fileIndex compatibilities
Quobyte Plugin:
quobyte: Add job message when enabling the snapshot from the plugin
quobyte: Force snapshot when quobyte plugin is used
quobyte: Get quobyte plugin helper working with the scan_plugin tool
vSphere Plugin:
vsphere: Add StorageProfile.View permission #10786. Use manual versioning
vsphere: Add a backtrace procedure after a bad signal
vsphere: Avoid to print ‘vm config not found’ errors in query that can provoke problems with scan_datacenter
vsphere: Do not fail if overridevm is used, but the target VM is no more in server
vsphere: Find vmx and nvram even if vm was renamed or moved
vsphere: re-fix query showing errors by system.out and causing trouble with scandatacenter #10781
Add information about the number of protected jobs when using autopruning
Add information messages when using update jobid=x prunejobs/prunefiles command
Fix DisableQueryCommand check in bsdjson and bacula-sd
Only normal backup jobs can become “Incomplete”, MAC must return errors
Revert “Fix #8354 About confusing log message during the ‘dump’ mysql backup”
Revert “Fix #9882 About tapealert script issue on rhel8”
create-config: Add restart service when configuration works
Bugs fixed/closed since last release: 10781 10786 10790 10801 10812 8354 9882
Beta 18.0.2 / 05 March 2024
18.0.2 is a minor bug fix beta release.
Amazon EC2 Plugin:
amazon-ec2: Fix keep_full_snapshot behavior and chain Inc(s) with Diff(s) backups correctly
bguardian: Change description of the connection method to the catalog. Adjust examples with bacula user
bguardian: Improve connection and do it by default using unix sockets
bweb: Add include missing chart library to BWeb spec files
bweb: Fix #10775 allow in config forms use capitalized time units
bweb: Fix #10776 pool filter on media page
bweb: Fix #9693 not working disable bacula configuration menu option
bweb: New M365 Activity module integration
Dedup 2 Plugin:
dedup2: Fix #10486 corrupted chunk with huge size crash the SD
dedup2: updates to clean up code and fix remaining endian issues for bdde-fsck and bdde-check
dedup2: Added check to show bug saving rollback flag when hdbohashmem = true
dedup2: Two DDE utilities for regress testing and debugging, bdde-tool and bdde-fsck
dedup2: fix where vaccum exits early during inventory and removes data from containers
dedup2: small changes to improve DDE2 rebuild and rollback functions on startup
Hyper-V Plugin:
hyperv: Fix #10698 Free space debug report missing a field
hyperv: Fix #10699 Make sure restore options are applied
hyperv: rename Script version to Version.
Hyper-V Winapi Plugin:
hyperv-winapi: hyperv-recovery script
hyperv-winapi: attach recoverable actions to vm notes
hyperv-winapi: disable Recover-action to avoid parallel jobs collision
hyperv-winapi: Clean snapshot and reference points on cancel
hyperv-winapi: Fix #10701 new disks handling
hyperv-winapi: Make sure Restore is cleaned up
hyperv-winapi: attach recoverable actions to vm notes
hyperv-winapi: disable Recover-action to avoid parallel jobs collision
hyperv-winapi: fixing migration in cluster mode
hyperv-winapi: get rid of vm_path. Use vhd_path all the way
hyperv-winapi: handle sparse-like restore
hyperv-winapi: Added hyperv-recovery script
hyperv-winapi: use cluster_mode instead of localhost_only
Hyper-V WMI Plugin:
hyperv-wmi: Fix #10698 move restore initialisation from bEventStartRestoreJob to bEventRestoreCommand
Microsoft 365 Plugin:
m365: Add onedrive file exclude example
m365: PST export extension documentation
Nutanix-AHV Plugin:
nutanix-ahv: Accurate flag check for plugin at bacula level
nutanix-ahv: Add protection domain parameter to c part
Openstack VM Plugin:
openstack-vm: Added default volume name in restore to be complient
openstack-vm: Added verbose output for query process check
openstack-vm: Added a timeout on fifo open/close
openstack-vm: Better handling of options errors + additional user info
openstack-vm: Changed signal handler
openstack-vm: Changed parser for interactive delete
openstack-vm: Checked access rights from openstack user to admin openrc
openstack-vm: Removed default user in cinder error message
openstack-vm: Updated instructions if cinder-backup not running
Quobyte Plugin:
quobyte: Fix subvolumes generation for bsnapshot
quobyte: Improve quobyte-fd plugin and bsnapshot subvolumes support
vSphere Plugin:
vsphere: Save vm profile when restoring to correct missing- name from previous possible problems #10758
vsphere: add resiliency to profileallvm management with unexpected vm moref or name
Windows BMR Plugin:
winbmr: don’t mount recovery partition for the estimate command
registration wizard: Fix #10766 correct backslashes
show minimal backtrace if gdb is not installed
Added get_os_version() call and display it to status client/storage/director header
Enabled Device/SyncOnClose by default
Improved gdb btraceback to get the variables inside the faulty thread
Fix #10752 storage option on the restore command line not working
Fix org#2706 Volume encryption force RSA:2048 instead of gpg default
Fix org#2707 Check the NODUMP flag only on files and directories
Improve messages for job protection. issues/27
Report immutable/readonly error messages to the job log
add bVarEstimate to let the FD knows this is an estimate and not a real backup
- Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
10486 10698 10699 10701 10752 10758 10766 10775 10776 9693
Beta 18.0.1 / 06 February 2024
18.0.1 is a beta release.
Hyper-V Plugin:
Hyper-v: Fix #10530 fix ConvertVMSnapshotToRefpoint
Hyper-v: make sure the full restore relies on self-generated bmp file, not vhdx.exe
Hyper-v: Add a test that validates a whole drive integrity over full backup-restore
Hyper-v: Add a test that validates disk integrity over full backup-restore (used for linux01)
Hyper-v: Add PORTABLE data flag
Hyper-v: Change full backup size to hd logical size. Fix pwd null.
Hyper-v: Update pattern and integrity tests
Hyper-v: debug vhdx,exe output on restore. Return io_status
Amazon EC2 Plugin:
amazon-ec2: Add new snapshot-instance-volume timeout parameters
amazon-ec2: Introducing new parameters for timeout control on different objects. Libraries upgrade
bweb: Fix #10652 NDMP volume not required in connection part of the automation wizard
bweb: Fix #10658 display media view for multiple volumes at once
bweb: Fix #10680 update links to online plugin documentation
bweb: Fix #10684 About incorrect –vm parameter with scan_datacenter
Cloud Plugin:
cloud: Fix #10291 Assume that driver ls can return error 1 when the path doesnt exist. Handle it in generic driver
cloud: Fix #10291 clean_cloud_volume uses “ls”, so we handle its return code the same way
cloud: Fix #10685 TruncateCache at endofjob was not processed due to wrong transfer status verification
cloud: proof guard truncation
cloud: Fix #10591 missing n in returned lists in AWS
cloud: Fix #10604 upload() might not exit with correct error code in AWS
Dedup 2 Plugin:
dedup2: Fix #10714 vacuum delete all entries of the index
dedup2: Vacuum continues despite an error (or cancel) while reading volumes
dedup2: check rwlock for deadlock error
dedup2: display orphan ref per volume
dedup2: don’t block backups during vacuum merge
dedup2: fix vacuum crashes hashes=0x0 connection is not fully registered
dedup2: improve vacuum merge, better detect empty extents
dedup2: index rebuild can reset extent status to USED
dedup2: lock index for flush_entries() during merge
dedup2: vacuum improvements: messages, accounting and cancel handling
docs: Automated Disk Backup navigation fixed 2
docs: Moving Ingestion and Network Restore to Backup Strategies
Microsoft 365 Plugin:
m365: Activity & Export PST WIP
m365: Activity reports backup feature. Improved message when failing to register app. PST project initiation
m365: Add activity parameters
m365: Exclude files with regex options
m365: Reference activity params so they can be interpreted
Openstack VM Plugin:
openstack-vm: Add additional safeguard when looking for drivers in installation
openstack-vm: Add check for admin-rc file to avoid unknown crash in configure
openstack-vm: Adjusted install script
openstack-vm: Query -q for cinder install now has better error handling
Nutanix-AHV Plugin:
nutanix-ahv: Add PROTECTION DOMAIN keyword for specific vm backups
nutanix-ahv: Add rest element to query portection domains
nutanix-ahv: Adds query operation and client call to rest API for protection domain
nutanix-ahv: Correct some INTERGER fields to LONG
Security Plugin:
security: Fix incorrect warning about Archive directories
security: Fix warning in lynis output
security: Remove incomplete checks for mysql and postgresql
vSphere Plugin:
vsphere: Add more resiliency to query operations which should solve some scan_datacenter issues #10673
vsphere: Add template marking priviledges. Do not fail the restore if template marking fails
vsphere: Fix vsphere-ctl update command when vm is not found
vsphere: Ignore empty entries
vsphere: Improvements on setting target vms
vsphere: Re-apply v18 features from code without problems to find VMs
Detect unsolvable volume cycle in split_bsr_loop()
Fix #10631 (1) remove unauthorized Jmsg() in BSOCK::recv()
Fix org#2704 about old FD compatibility
Fix org#2705 about issue with accurate checking of new file signature attributes
Registration_wizard: Adding BCenter Tab
Fix FD using 100% CPU after SD crash
lin_tape: Patch for end of medium detection
Add Storage:Director::DisableQueryCommand: and list new storage query cmds
rpms: Fix single item restore issue with rhel9
- Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
10291 10530 10572 10591 10604 10631 10652 10658 10673 10680 10684 10685 10714