Catalog Category

The <category> cat always refers to a Bacula defined table in the Catalog database, and can have the following values for <class>:

  • Client

  • Counters

  • Job

  • JobHisto

  • Location

  • LocationLog

  • Log

  • Media

  • Pool

  • Storage

  • Version

In addition to the above mentioned tables, there are also certain tables that we strongly recommend not to access as doing so will lock you into a particular version of Bacula and might make it very difficult to update your application to new Bacula versions. The list of tables that we recommend against using are:

  • BaseFiles

  • File

  • FileSet

  • JobMedia

  • Path

  • RestoreObject

In addition to all the above, there are a few other catalog tables that are used internally by Bacula and thus are not listed here.

Below we show the options (in addition to the global limit and offset options) that can be applied to specific request to limit the output or select particular items. These options will vary depending on the class of the item being requested.

We also show a sample output of the data you can expect to have returned for each class.

Read more:

Go back to the REST API chapter.

Go back to the main Advanced Features Usage page.