Commands Category

These commands those that are available in the bconsole program and are used to control the Bacula Director.

The option=value are not checked by the REST interface, but are sent directly to Bacula where only error checking is done. If multiple keyword=value are specified, they must be separated by the ampersand (&) character.

Note that the offset and limit options shown above for the cat category do not apply to the cmd category.

The <category> cmd can have the following values for <class>:

- pool=<pool-name> storage=<storage> jobid=<JobId>

- on off

jobid=<number-list> job=<job-name> ujobid=<unique-jobid> all

pool=<pool-name> storage=<storage> jobid=<JobId>

volume=<vol-name> pool=<pool-name> jobid=<id>

job=<name> batch

job=<name> batch

fileset=<fs> client=<cli> level=<level> accurate=<yes/no> job=<job>

add autodisplay automount cancel create delete disable enable
estimate exit gui label list llist messages memory mount prune purge
python quit query restore relabel release reload run status
setbandwidth setdebug setip show sqlquery time trace mount umount
update use var version wait

storage=<storage> volume=<vol> pool=<pool> slot=<slot> barcodes

pools jobs jobtotals volume media <pool=pool-name> files jobid=<nn>
copies jobid=<nn


pools jobs jobtotals volume media <pool=pool-name> files jobid=<nn>
copies jobid=<nn>

pools jobs jobtotals volume media <pool=pool-name> files jobid=<nn>
copies jobid=<nn>

files jobs pool=<pool> client=<client-name> [ expired ]


files jobs volume=<vol> [action=<action> devicetype=<type>
pool=<pool> allpools storage=<st> drive=<num>

where=</path> client=<client> storage=<storage> bootstrap=<file>
restorejob=<job> comment=<text> jobid=<jobid> copies done select all

storage=<storage-name> oldvolume=<old-volume-name>
volume=<newvolume-name> pool=<pool>


job=<job-name> client=<client-name>\\n\\tfileset=<FileSet-name>
level=<level-keyword> storage=<storage-name> where=<directory-prefix>
pool=<pool-name>\\n\\tcomment=<text> accurate=<bool> spooldata=<bool>

incomplete job=<job-name> client=<client-name> fileset=<FileSet-name>
level=<level-keyword> storage=<storage -name>
when=<universal-time-specification> comment=<text> spooldata=<bool>

all dir=<dir-name> director client=<client-name>
storage=<storage-name> slots days=nnn

jobid=<number-list> job=<job-name> ujobid=<unique-jobid> all

level=<nn> trace=0/1 client=<client-name> dir storage=<storage-name>

limit=<nn-kbs> client=<client-name> jobid=<number> job=<job-name>

limit=<nn-kbs> client=<client-name> jobid=<number> job=<job-name>

on off

storage=<storage-name> [ drive=<num> ] jobid=<id> job=<job-name>

storage=<storage-name> [ drive=<num> ] jobid=<id> job=<job-name>

stats pool=<poolname>\\n\\tslots storage=<storage> scan
volume=<volname> volstatus=<status> volretention=<time-def>
pool=<pool> recycle=<yes/no> slot=<number> inchanger=<yes/no>
maxvolbytes=<size> maxvolfiles=<nb> maxvoljobs=<nb> enabled=<yes/no>
recyclepool=<pool> actiononpurge=<action>

Go back to the REST API chapter.

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