Configure a Pool for Full Backups
Before running a backup job using the new QuantumLib1 Autochanger, a backup pool needs to be created for the tapes in the Autochanger. The first backup pool we create will be used for Full backups in the QuantumLib1 Autochanger. You may wish to create additional pools for Incremental or Differential jobs. Only a Full pool will created in this example.
In the left menu, click: Configuration –> Director –> Pools.
Click the “+” sign to add a new Pool resource in the Director
Click “Set as tape pool” in the “Actions” box on the left. <- This is important. Do not skip this step
Fill in the fields:
Pool Name: Fill in a sensible name for this pool. e.g.: QuantumLib1-Full
Description: Leave blank, or give a sensible description. e.g.: Quantum Library 1 - LTO6 - Full Pool
Label Format: Leave blank for tape media because each tape’s barcode label will be used as its Bacula label and name
Storage: From the drop-down, choose the Autochanger created in the Director configuration: “QuantumLib1”
Label Type: Leave as “Bacula”
Cleaning Prefix: Leave as “CLN” unless your cleaning tapes have another prefix
Expand the Recycling pane and ensure that both fields, “Recycle Pool” and “Scratch Pool” are set to “Scratch” in their respective drop-down list
At the top of the “Add Pool” dialog box, click the “+ Add” and you should see this new QuantumLib1-Full pool in your Pools listing.
If auto-commit is not enabled, click on the “Bell” icon at the top right.
Click on the “Commit & Reload” button.
See also
Go back to:
Create a Storage Resource in the Director (DIR) for Each Drive Device
Configure Bweb to Manage an Autochanger and Its Drive Devices
Go to:
Go back to the main Setting Up a Tape Autochanger Using Bweb page.
Go back to the Tape Autochanger Setup chapter.
Go back to the main Advanced Features Usage page.