Test a Full Backup Job Using a New Autochanger

  1. In the left menu, click: Run Backup.

  2. From the “Job Name” drop-down list, choose any backup job available. e.g.: BackupClient1.

  3. Click “Run now”.

  4. In the “Run job” dialog box:

    • Select “QuantumLib1-Full” from the Pool drop-down list

    • Select “QuantumLib1” from the Storage drop-down list

    • Select “Full” from the Level drop-down list

    • Click “Run now” at the bottom.

At this point you will be taken to the “Running job details” screen for this job.

When the job finishes, check the job summary to verify the Pool, Storage and Volumes used are all expected values. That is to say, make sure the new QuantumLib1 Autochanger was used and that tape media from this library was used.

The next step is to create new jobs and/or modify your existing jobs to utilize this new, fully tested Autochanger.

Go back to the main Setting Up a Tape Autochanger Using Bweb page.

Go back to the Tape Autochanger Setup chapter.

Go back to the main Advanced Features Usage page.