Create a Storage Resource in the Director (DIR) for Each Drive Device

In order to be able to manage the Autochanger and its drive devices from within Bweb, each drive device that was created in the SD for the Autochanger also needs to be created as a distinct Storage resource in the Director.

  1. In the left menu, click: Configuration –> Director –> Storage.

    • Click the “+” sign to add a new Storage resource in the Director

    • Fill in the fields:

      • Storage Name: You may use the same name as was configured in the SD for the drive device. e.g.: QuantumLib1_Drv0

      • Description: Leave blank, or put something descriptive here. It is not parsed. e.g.: Quantum Library 1 - LTO6 - Drive 0

      • Address: This should be an IP address or, preferably a FQDN of your server running the SD. Do not use localhost or here

      • Password: This is the SD password determined above

      • Device: This must match the name used for the drive device created in the SD. e.g.: QuantumLib1_Drv0

      • Media Type: This must match the Media Type of the drive device(s) in the SD. e.g.: QuantumLib1-LTO6

      • Allow Compression: Un-check this for tape drive devices since they should use hardware compression

      • Autochanger: Select the “QuantumLib1” Autochanger from the drop-down list

      • At the top of this “Add Storage” dialog box, click the “+ Add” and you should see this new QuantumLib1_Drv0 device in your Storages listing

      • Repeat these steps for each drive device, then continue with the next steps to commit the workset and reload the Director configuration.

  2. If auto-commit is not enabled, click on the “Bell” icon at the top right.

  3. Click on the “Commit & Reload” button.

Go back to the main Setting Up a Tape Autochanger Using Bweb page.

Go back to the Tape Autochanger Setup chapter.

Go back to the main Advanced Features Usage page.