Cluster Support


Since Bacula version 16.0.7, a new solution has been introduced to replace the scan_proxmox_cluster tool. It is highly recommended to use the new solution - Automatic Object Integration (Scan Plugin) as the scan_proxmox_tool will soon be deprecated. See an example for Proxmox.

At a regular interval, Bacula can contact a Proxmox cluster member, list all virtual machines that are hosted, and adapt the configuration dynamically.

The scan_proxmox_cluster tool is used to analyze a Proxmox cluster and create individual FileSets and Backup Jobs for each virtual machine or container found. The virtual machines selected by this tool may be based on the virtual machine names, or by using regular expressions.

cluster: cluster1
node:    proxmox1
VM:      debian1    -> Job=j_cluster1_debian1

The Job’s Client directive will be set to the Proxmox cluster node member.

If a virtual machine is no longer detected, the Job resource will be disabled or removed from the configuration.

If a virtual machine is on an other member of the cluster, the Job Client directive will be adapted automatically.

To learn more detailed information about cluster support, see:

See also

Go back to the main Proxmox Plugin operations.

Go back to the main Proxmox Plugin page.

Go back to the main Dedicated Backup Solutions page.