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Azure Virtual Machine plugin
Features Summary
Snapshot-based online backup of any guest VM.
Full, Incremental and Differential block level image backup
Ability to restore complete virtual machine image.
The Azure-VM plugin is compatible with Copy/Migration jobs. Please read the Migration and Copy Jobs and Replication: Copy/Migration Jobs for more information.
Guest VM Backup Strategies
Installing Bacula Client on Each Guest
This strategy works by installing a Bacula Enterprise File Daemon on every virtual machine as if they were normal physical clients. In order to optimize the I/O usage on the Azure-VM hypervisor, the user will use Bacula’s Schedules, Priorities, and Maximum Concurrent Jobs to spread backup jobs over the backup window. Since all VMs could use the same storage on the Microsoft Azure hypervisor, running all backup jobs at the same time could create a bottleneck on the disk/network subsystem since Bacula will walk through all filesystems to open/read/close/stat files.
Installing a Bacula Enterprise File Daemon on each virtual machine permits to manage virtual servers like physical servers and also to use all Bacula Enterprise’s features such as:
Quick restores of individual files.
Checksum of individual files for Virus and Spyware detection.
Verify Jobs.
File/Directory exclusion (such as swap or temporary files).
File level compression.
Accurate backups.
Image Backup With Azure-Vm Plugin
With the image backup level strategy, the Bacula Enterprise Azure-VM Plugin will save the Client disks at the raw level, in the Azure context.
Bacula’s Azure-VM plugin will read and save content of virtual machines disks using snapshots.
During backups, Azure plugin will save the integrity of disks images and also guest VM configurations to allow guest VM restores with their original parameters.
Backup and Restore Operations
The backup of a single guest VM takes the following steps:
Export guest VM metadata configuration for future restore.
Backup OS disk.
Backup all data disks
Wait for all procedures to finish
Add new snapshot to a tracker and check for older snapshot to delete
Disk backup procedure
The same process is used to backup OS or data disk, it follows the following steps:
Bacula files
The backup will create the following backup files for each guest VM:
A single empty file to match a guest VM name to its UUID /@azure-vm/<vmUuid>_<vmName>.name
A single configuration metadata file: /@azure-vm/<vmUuid>/<epoch>_conf
A unique raw data file for the guest VM OS disk /@azure-vm/<vmUuid>/<epoch>_osdisk
A raw data file for each data disk: /@azure-vm/<vmUuid>/<epoch>_<index>
At restore time the user can identify the guest VM using the UUID to mark the corresponding files:
| filename |
| /@azure-vm/ |
| /@azure-vm/690d74f9-9ce4-45fb-9b23-149afebe18f7/1661160371_conf |
| /@azure-vm/690d74f9-9ce4-45fb-9b23-149afebe18f7/1661161330_0 |
| /@azure-vm/690d74f9-9ce4-45fb-9b23-149afebe18f7/1661167810_osdisk |
The Azure plugin restores data as a new guest VM.
The restore process goes through the following steps.
Receive configuration metadata file.
Restore OS disk.
Restore data disks.
Create guest VM from OS disk and information from configuration metadata file.
Attach data disk to newly created guest VM
Delete locally generated files
If debug level (debug parameter) is at its maximum level (9) locally generated file are not deleted
Disk restore process
This section will describe the restore process for any type of disk.
Restore disk locally
Apply incremental changes if any
Create empty disk on Azure side.
Issue SAS on the newly created disk.
Upload locally restored data to disk.
Revoke SAS
Since disk are restored locally before being upload to azure there is a free space requirement of at least the size of the full VM
Restore to Local Disk with Azure-VM Plugin
Bacula Enterprise allows restoring any file (bvmdk
, conf
, etc.) to
your File Daemon’s local disks. Then, you may attach the disk to a running
Azure Virtual Machine and perform file level restores from the running VM.
By using where=/path/to/dir
in the restore options, the Plugin will
automatically restore selected files to this location on your File
Daemon’s local disk.
After the disk is restored to a local directory, one can create a new disk in Azure and upload the restored disk data. The following guide assumes the user is logged to Azure account as described in plugin document.
The first step is to get the size of a restored VM disk:
ls -ln /path/to/dir/
The new Azure VM disk has to be created with the exact same size of a restored disk:
az disk create -n <DiskName> -g <ResourceGroupName> --upload-type Upload --upload-size-bytes <DiskSizeInBytes>
Write permissions need to be granted to a new placeholder disk:
az disk grant-access -n <DiskName> -g <ResourceGroupName> --access-level Write --duration-in-seconds 86400
The above command will return an ``accessSAS` token that is needed for the next step:
azcopy copy /path/to/dir/<LocallyRestoredDisk>.bvmdk <accessSAS> --blob-type PageBlob
After the upload is completed, the write permissions need to be revoked:
az disk revoke-access <DiskName> -g <ResourceGroupName>
Get the uploaded disk ID and attach it to Azure Virtual Machine:
diskId=$(az disk show -g <ResourceGroupName> -n <DiskName> --query 'id' -o tsv)
az vm disk attach -g <ResourceGroupName> --vm-name <VmName> --name $diskId
Then, one can SSH to Azure Virtual Machine and inspect the content of the restored disk or perform file level restores.
Finally, the restored disk can be detached from the VM and deleted if needed:
az vm disk detach -g <ResourceGroupName> --vm-name <VmName> -n <DiskName>
az disk delete --name <DiskName> -g <ResourceGroupName>
Incremental backup fallback process
During incremental backup if the plugin fails for any reason to compute incremental changes for a disk the disk will be backed up as a full image instead. A message will be displayed and the resulting backup will end with a Backup OK with warning
status. At restore time the user must carefully mark the files for restore by ignoring older full/incremental images of said disk.
Snapshot safekeeping and data usage
Microsoft Azure uses a disk by disk snapshot policy. Bacula will keep track of snapshot relation between one another and delete snapshots that are no longer relevant. However, multiple snapshots of the same disk can be expected on the storage at any given time.
On Microsoft Azure incremental snapshots appear to have the same size as the full disk. However, the data contained inside the snapshot will be the differential data. Per Azure documentation incremental snapshots are billed for the used size only.
Plugin Installation
The Microsoft Azure plugin, can work on any machine with a Bacula File Daemon.
Since all backup/restore interactions are network based, any Bacula Enterprise File Daemon with access to the necessary Microsoft Azure endpoints can be used to run the plugin.
The Microsoft Azure plugin needs two additional software to work
After the installation the final step is to log into Azure CLI
by running az login
or az login --use-device-code
if the plugin runs on a server with no GUI.
When using az login --use-device-code
, Azure-CLI may prompt the user to visit: for login, however, the page is no longer available. The user should instead go to:
Configuration of the Bacula File Daemon
The Plugin Directory
directive of the File Daemon
resource in /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-fd.conf should point to the location where the
plugin is installed. The default directory is: /opt/bacula/plugins
FileDaemon {
Name = bacula-fd
Plugin Directory = /opt/bacula/plugins
Installation of the Plugin
For more information about plugin installation see Linux: Install File Daemon (Client).
Plugin Configuration
The plugin is configured using Plugin Parameters
defined in the “Include” section of a FileSet resource (Bacula Director configuration).
Generic Plugin Parameters
The following Microsoft Azure plugin parameters impact any type of Job (Backup, Restore, Query).
abort_on_error[= <0 or 1>] Specifies whether or not the plugin should abort its execution if a fatal error happens during backup or restore. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0
tenant_id=<string> Will create, with subscription_id, an Azure profile to gain access to Azure sdk functionalities. This parameter is mandatory.
subscription_id=<string> Will create, with tenant_id, an Azure profile to gain access to Azure sdk functionalities. This parameter is mandatory.
application_id=<string> Another parameter to gain access to Azure sdk functionalities. This parameter is mandatory.
application_secret=<string> Another parameter used to gain access to Azure sdk functionalities. This parameter is mandatory
connection_key=<string> Is used to create a BlobServiceClientBuilder
to interact with blobs. This is a connection string from an Azure storage account. This parameter is mandatory.
debug=[0,9] Specifies the level of debug with 0
being no debug and 9
being the highest level of debug. Warnings and errors are always sent to the joblog and if any debug level is set those messages are sent to the debug file as well. For the Microsoft Azure plugin 1
displays debug level message, 2
displays trace level message. Any value higher than 2
displays additional information about external libraries that handle those values on their own. When the debug level is at its maximum, locally generated disk file at restore will not be deleted. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0
group=<string> Specifies which from which group the parser should retrieve the parameters. This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not set and a config file exsist at /opt/bacula/etc/azure-vm.conf
the first available group will be chosen by default.
See the Configuration File
section for more informations and examples about configuration files for the Azure plugin.
, application_id
and application_secret
parameters can be manually generated by running the following command az ad sp create-for-rbac --role Owner --scopes /subscriptions/<subscription-id>
. If successful the command will output four different values.
= Does not correspond to any of the plugin parameter
Parameters from the fileset have precedence over parameters provided by a configuration file.
Backup Plugin Parameters
include=<Java Regexp> Specifies a list of guest VM names to backup.
exclude=<Java Regexp> Specifies a list of guest VM names to not backup.
vm=<guest VM name> Specifies the name of a single guest VM to backup.
The use of regular expressions in the parameters include=
and exclude=
must be a Java compatible regular expression.
In order to be backed up the guest VM must match the include=...
predicate and not match the exclude=...
. A guest VM that matches the vm=...
will be backed up regardless of the include/exclude specifications.
By default all guest VMs match the include predicate and not the exclude. Therefore, if none of the parameters vm=...
, include=...
and exclude=...
are provided, all available guest VMs hosted on the Microsoft Azure hypervisor will be backed up.
On the other hand, if the parameter vm=...
is specified, all guest VMs will no longer match include=...
predicate. This means that if only vm=...
parameter is specified, no other guest VM will be backed up.
See FileSet Examples section for examples of include/exclude/vm setups.
Restore Plugin Parameters
new_hostname=<String> Specified when a guest VM should be restored with a specific name.
A restore job can only restore one guest VM at a time. To select the relevant VM the user should interact with Bacula bconsole and mark
all files in the guest VM folder identified by its UUID.
If the Bacula restore parameter: where=<path>
contains data, the plugin will restore the disks locally at <path>
cwd is: /
$ ls
$ @azure-vm/
$ cd @azure-vm
cwd is: /@azure-vm/
$ ls
$ mark 010a9727-ec67-4f3c-ac8b-129310764aa1*
4 files marked.
$ done
Configuration File
For this plugin it is possible to pass arguments from a configuration file. Configuration file follows the .ini
format. Each combination of parameters has to be identified by a bracketed group name then each parameters are set via a key = value
The azure plugin will look for a configuration file located at /opt/bacula/etc/azure-vm.conf
. If such file is present the plugin will then look for the relevant group to get parameters from. If the group
parameter is not set then the first available group will be chosen.
Parameters provided by the Fileset have precedence over the parameters provided by the configuration file.
Configuration File Example
Here is an example of a configuration file at /opt/bacula/etc/azure-vm.conf
for two different azure configurations.
tenant_id = 11111111-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-000000000000
subscription_id = 12345678-abcd-efgh-ijkl-01234567890ab
connection_key = DefaultEndpointsProtocol=[...]
application_id = 12345678-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
application_secret = qqqq~---------------------qwertzuiopasd
tenant_id = aaaaaaaa-1111-2222-3333-zzzzzzzzzzzz
subscription_id = abcdefgh-1234-5678-9012-abcdefghijkl
connection_key = DefaultEndpointsProtocol=[...]
application_id = 87654321-1111-2222-3333-44444444444
application_secret = 9qqqq~---------------------qw123456789d
For the following fileset example since no group
parameter is provided the plugin will look for the fist available group. In this case it will be main
Fileset {
Name = "FS_AZURE_VM"
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
compression = LZO
Plugin = "azure-vm: vm=vm"
For the following fileset example the parameter group second
will be selected.
Fileset {
Name = "FS_AZURE_VM"
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
compression = LZO
Plugin = "azure-vm: vm=vm group=second"
FileSet Examples
In the example below, all guest VMs will be backed up:
FileSet {
Name= Azure-all-params-all-vms
Include {
Plugin="azure-vm: tenant_id=12345678-abcd-1234-efgh-0123456789ab subscription_id=abcdefgh-1234-abcd-1234-abcdefghijkl connection_key=DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=example;AccountKey=aBcdEfGhijKlMNOpqrstuvwxyZ012345; application_id=87654321-1111-2222-3333-44444444444 application_secret=9qqqq~---------------------qw123456789d"
In the example below, all guest VMs will be backed up but this time the tenant_id
, subscription_id
, application_id
, secret_id
and connection_key
are set inside a configuration file located at /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-vm.conf
into a group named main
In all the future examples, it will be assumed for less verbose FileSets, that tenant_id
, subscription_id
, application_id
, secret_id
and connection_key
are set by the same configuration file and that the group main
is the first available group.
FileSet {
Name= Azure-no-params
Include {
Plugin="azure-vm: group=main"
In the example below, a single guest VM with a name of “VM1” will be backed up.
FileSet {
Name= Azure-One-Vm
Include {
Plugin="azure-vm: vm=VM1"
In the example below, all guest VMs which have prod
in their name will be backed up.
FileSet {
Name= Azure-prod
Include {
Plugin="azure-vm: include=(.*)prod(.*)"
In the example below, all guest VMs which have prod
in their name but do not start with test
will be backed up.
FileSet {
Name= Azure_no_test
Include {
Plugin="azure-vm: include=(.*)prod(.*) exclude=^test(.*)"
In the example below, all prod
VMs will be backed up. All test
VMs will be ignored except for a VM named exception.test
FileSet {
Name= Azure_prod_no_test_except
Include {
Plugin="azure-vm: include=(.*)prod(.*) exclude=(.*)test(.*) vm=exception.test"
Specific bconsole Query Commands
The Bacula Enterprise Azure-vm plugin supports also the query parameter.
The plugin answer the query in the form of tuple key=value
The plugin supports two operators if none of them is passed the plugin will answer with Query not recognized, possible value={CONNECTION, VM}
This query check if the system is logged to a Microsoft Azure account
When the query parameter is CONNECTION
, the returned value will be either OK
or NOK
, indicating whether the
connection was successful or not.
.query plugin="azure-vm:" client=client-fd parameter=CONNECTION
This query sends a request to Azure that lists all available guest VMs. This query displays one key=value
per virtual machine where key
and value
is the name of the virtual machine.
The example below shows the execution of a correctly formatted VM
query that finds three different guest VMs.
.query plugin="azure-vm:" client=client-fd parameter=VM
This query looks for a configuration file located at /opt/bacula/etc/azure-vm.conf
and prints all available parameter groups in a GROUP=groupName
.query plugin="azure-vm:" client=client-fd parameter=GROUP
Print information relative to azure and azcopy
.query plugin="azure-vm:" client=client-fd parameter=VERSION
Restore job needs to have the size of the full VM in free space
The plugin may restore only one guest VM per restore job
Virtual full jobs are not supported