bconsole Query Commands

The Bacula Enterprise Nutanix-AHV Plugin supports also the query parameter. Bacula queries the Nutanix-AHV API and receives answers in the form of key=value. The Nutanix-AHV Plugin supports three query parameters. When none of them is specified, the message: Query not recognized possible value = {CONNECTION, MACHINES, NETWORK} is displayed.


This query sends a REST API request to check whether the current plugin parameters allow connections to the Nutanix-AHV server. The example below shows the execution of a correctly formatted CONNECTION query and response.

When the query parameter is CONNECTION, the returned value will be either OK or NOK, indicating whether the connection was successful or not.

.query plugin="nutanix-ahv: user=admin host=" client=client-fd parameter=CONNECTION


This query sends a REST API request that lists all available guest VMs. This query displays one key=value per virtual machine where key is VM and value is the name of the virtual machine.

The example below shows the execution of a correctly formatted VM query that finds three different guest VMs.

.query plugin="nutanix-ahv: user=admin host=" client=client-fd parameter=VM


This query sends a REST API request that lists all available networks. This query displays one key=value tuple per network available where key is NETWORK and value is the network’s name.

The example below show values output by a correctly formatted NETWORK query that finds two networks.

.query plugin="nutanix-ahv: user=admin host=" client=backuparnaud-fd parameter=NETWORK

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