LDAP/Active Directory - Authentication


If you are experiencing any troubles with this method, it is recommended to use the Configure the HTTPD method.

  1. Edit the /opt/bweb/etc/httpd.conf file.


    #auth.backend = "htpasswd"
    #auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/opt/bweb/etc/htpasswd.bweb"
  2. Add the following for LDAP server (for Linux):

    server.modules += ( "mod_authn_ldap" )
    auth.backend = "ldap"
    auth.backend.ldap.hostname = "" <--- change to you Ldap Server
    auth.backend.ldap.base-dn = "ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com" <-- change to you Ldap Users Directory tree
    auth.backend.ldap.filter = "(uid=$)"
    auth.backend.ldap.bind-dn = "cn=admin,dc=my-domain,dc=com" <----- Ldap Authentication user to check users
    auth.backend.ldap.bind-pw = "xxxxxx" <----- Password User
    # "disable" for requiring passwords, "enable" for allowing empty passwords
    auth.backend.ldap.allow-empty-pw = "disable"


    Add the following for ACTIVE DIRECTORY server (for Windows):

    server.modules += ( "mod_authn_ldap" )
    auth.backend = "ldap"
    auth.backend.ldap.hostname = "" <--- change to you Ldap Server
    auth.backend.ldap.base-dn = "ou=Users,dc=supportlab,dc=baculasystems,dc=com" <--- Change to you Ldap Users Directory tree
    auth.backend.ldap.filter = "(cn=?)"                                          <--- Change to Username Active Directory Field confrotation
    auth.backend.ldap.bind-dn = "CN=ad-admin,CN=Users,DC=supportlab,DC=baculasystems,DC=com"     <--- AD Administration username to check users
    auth.backend.ldap.bind-pw = "xxxxxx"                                         <--- Password User
    # "disable" for requiring passwords, "enable" for allowing empty passwords
    auth.backend.ldap.allow-empty-pw = "disable"
    ##### YOU CAN ALSO DO THIS ########
    auth.backend.ldap.bind-dn ="SUPPORTLAB\ad-admin"
    auth.backend.ldap.bind-pw = "xxxxxx"


To Activate LDAPS, copy the CA certificate to Bweb Server and add the following Configuration to HTTPD. Conf:

auth.backend.ldap.hostname = "" <--- change to you Ldap Server | DO NOT SPECIFY SSL PORT

auth.backend.ldap.starttls   = "enable" auth.backend.ldap.ca-file    = "/etc/openldap/certs/ca.cert.pem" auth.backend.ldap.allow-empty-pw = "disable"

Example configuration for LDAP/Active directory:

Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1039 op=4 SRCH base="ou=People,dc=supportlab,dc=lan" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(uid=user1)"
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1039 op=4 SRCH attr=1.1
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: <= bdb_equality_candidates: (uid) not indexed
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1039 op=4 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 fd=22 ACCEPT from IP= (IP=
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 op=0 EXT oid=
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 op=0 STARTTLS
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 op=0 RESULT oid= err=0 text=
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 fd=22 TLS established tls_ssf=256 ssf=256   <--------------
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 op=1 BIND dn="uid=user1,ou=People,dc=supportlab,dc=lan" method=128
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 op=1 BIND dn="uid=user1,ou=People,dc=supportlab,dc=lan" mech=SIMPLE ssf=0
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 op=1 RESULT tag=97 err=0 text=
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 op=2 UNBIND
Set 09 10:26:41 po-ldap slapd[10200]: conn=1043 fd=22 closed
  1. Restart Bweb service.

  2. Try to Login with user “admin” and “bwebadmin” and check if exists any error on the logs.

    The logs:

    tail -f /var/log/messages
    Mar 16 12:15:11 bee lighttpd: 2018-03-16 12:15:10: (mod_auth.c.525) password doesn't match for /cgi-bin/bweb/bweb.pl username: user1, IP:
    Mar 16 12:15:18 bee lighttpd: 2018-03-16 12:15:18: (mod_auth.c.525) password doesn't match for /bweb/natcompare.js username: user1, IP:
    Mar 16 12:15:52 bee lighttpd: 2018-03-16 12:15:52: (mod_auth.c.525) password doesn't match for /bweb/remove.png username: user1, IP:
    Mar 16 12:21:49 bee systemd: Stopping Bacula Enterprise Bweb...
    Mar 16 12:21:49 bee lighttpd: 2018-03-16 12:21:49: (server.c.2005) server stopped by UID = 0 PID = 1
    Mar 16 12:21:49 bee systemd: Starting Bacula Enterprise Bweb...
    Mar 16 12:21:49 bee lighttpd: 2018-03-16 12:21:49: (server.c.1412) server started (lighttpd/1.4.48)
    Mar 16 12:21:49 bee systemd: Started Bacula Enterprise Bweb.
    Mar 16 12:32:36 bee dhclient[672]: DHCPREQUEST on enp0s3 to port 67 (xid=0x3bc9f94d)



The Users that need authentication via Ldap must exist in Bweb with the same login name. The following script copies the LDAP users to the BWEB database users table. Adapt this script to customer LDAP infrastructure.

  use Net::LDAP;
  use Data::Dumper;
  use DBI;

  my $driver = "Pg";
  my $database = "bacula";
  my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:dbname = $database;host =; port = 5432";
  my $userid = "postgres";
  my $password = "";
  my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $userid, $password, { RaiseError => 1 })
   or die $DBI::errstr;

  print "Opened database successfully\n";

 my $uid = "cn=admin,dc=my-domain,dc=com";
 my $bindPass = "password";
 my $ldapServer = "";
 my $userLogin = "displayName";
 my $userPass = "sambaLMPassword";

 # connect to ldap server
 $ldap = Net::LDAP -> new ($ldapServer) || die "Could not connect to server\n";
  # bind to ldap server
  $ldap -> bind($uid, password => $bindPass);

 $result = $ldap->search( # perform a search
  base => "ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com",
  filter => "(objectClass=*)"

die $result->error if $result->code;

printf "COUNT: %s\n", $result->count;
foreach my $entry ($result->entries) {
 # $entry->dump;
 my $l = $entry->get_value($userLogin);
 my $p = $entry->get_value($userPass);
 my $stmt = qq(INSERT INTO bweb_user (username,passwd) VALUES ('$l','$p'));
 my $rv = $dbh->do($stmt) or die $DBI::errstr;

print "===============================================\n";


Possible Next Step

BWeb Authentication Active Directory Groups