Maintenance Tasks


The BWeb statistics module permits using the long term history feature of Bacula. This functionality allows to keep track of all jobs run even after them being purged from the catalog. You should schedule the update stats days=3 command everyday to get that information. For example, you can add a RunScript to the Backup Catalog job.

Job {
 Name = "BackupCatalog"
 RunScript {
 Console = "update stats days=3"
 Runs on Client = no
 Runs when = After

BWeb Folder Cache

To get instant restore navigation in all folders from your backups, BWeb uses a cache that has to be computed for each new Job. You can schedule this process to a calm period outside of your backup window, or do them automatically when you decide to restore something (the computing time depends on the number of files).

Job {
 name = "BWEB_CACHE"
 type = Admin
 RunScript {
 RunsWhen = Before
 RunsOnClient = no
 Command = "sh -c \"echo .bvfs_update | /opt/bacula/bin/bconsole\""
 JobDefs = DefaultJob
 Schedule = BWEB_CACHE

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