Security Access

The web server is responsible for the user authentication, it is possible to use all the features of lighttpd (LDAP, PAM, etc.) to identify users and secure access to BWeb. It is necessary to edit the web server configuration to enable the authentication method wanted. The examples in this manual use a simple authentication via htaccess file. For the previous example, you could use the following command to configure /opt/bweb/etc/htpasswd.bweb.

# htpasswd -c /opt/bweb/etc/htpasswd.bweb admin
New password:
Re-type new password:

# htpasswd /opt/bweb/etc/htpasswd.bweb scott
New password:
Re-type new password:

If your system doesn’t provide the htpasswd tool (included in apache2-utils package for example), you can also use openssl to generate the password file.

# echo admin:`openssl passwd -crypt myPass` | tee -a htpasswd.bweb

Note that the user admin is defined by default. This user ID has full privileges and cannot be disabled.

Go back to Installation with Packages chapter.