Backup Contents Analysis

BWeb’s bfileview available in the detailed description of a Job with colorscm “View file usage” permits viewing utilization of disk space by a series of clickable circles. This analysis uses the Bacula catalog and doesn’t involve your production servers.

On figure 63, you can easily see that the directory examples/database occupies 70% of the total space. A tool-tip shows that the file backup.old.tgz is responsible. This analysis permits you to rapidly focus on large resource users.

Analysis of the contents of a backup

Figure 63: Analysis of the contents of a backup

In order to rapidly navigate, bfileview uses a cache maintained in the catalog. The updating of this cache can take some time depending on how may files were backed up. To avoid doing this on-line, you can automatically update the cache using a script.

$ /opt/bweb/cgi/ jobid=xxx where=/ mode=batch$

When browsing to restore a Windows machine, you must first enter the disk drive name such as: c: or d: in order to see the file view.

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