The BWeb statistics module uses the Long term statistics feature of Bacula available since version 3.0. With older Bacula versions you must manually create the table and fill it with statistics.
In order to be able to study the evolution of your backups, analyze the tendencies and make reliable reports, you should actively archive your Jobs (Cf. Maintanence Tasks/Statistics).
Job Errors
In order to have a measure of success rate that is closer to reality in the case that you successfully restarted a failed job, you should delete the failed job from your catalog.
After having viewed the logs of your failed Job in BWeb, (Cf. Viewing Job history and logs), you can directly restart the Job after having verified the parameters (Cf. section Restarting a Backup), then remove the failed Job from the catalog. In the worst case the newly started Job will also fail, and your statistics will take it into account.
Detection of missing Jobs
The missing job detection feature (Cf. Problem and Missing Jobs Detection) also allow an easy way to restart missing jobs during the period your server is down for maintenance or there was a server outage.
If restarting a job is not possible clicking the button “Mark
this job as canceled” will add a special record in the history table to
consider this Job as failed.
Proper management requires you to regularly monitor your Jobs with BWeb.
Exporting data to a spreadsheet
With the Statistics menu \(\rightarrow\) Groups, BWeb presents a series of data by group of machines which can be cut and copied into a spreadsheet.
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