Exporting Volumes and Multiple Sites

If you use an autochanger and tape Volumes, you may want to export Volumes to another site to make room in your autochanger or for security of your Volumes. BWeb has several screens to help manage multiple sites. It is possible to let BWeb chose the best Volume export candidates (e.g. Volumes marked Full and long retention periods), and BWeb can also chose the best candidates for importing into your autochanger (e.g. expired media or very old Volumes).

Also available is a simple workflow that permits one to track and record each Volume movement.

Exporting Volumes

You must first select the Volumes to export by one of the following:

  • location

  • Pool

  • the Export screen

Then you must click on the “Eject” button extern. If your Autochanger has an import/export tray, the Volume or Volumes selected will be automatically put there.

Moving Volumes to the import/export tray

Figure 51: Moving Volumes to the import/export tray

Use the Volume movement management screen (Cf. figure 52)

Moving a Volume

Figure 52: Moving a Volume

You must specify the Volume destination (new location). When clicking on the “Move”, you can send an email with important information (Cf. figure 53), to the people in charge of physically moving Volumes, or you can confirm that the move was actually made (“Update now”).

Once the Volume or Volumes are out of the autochanger, you should synchronize the autochanger and the catalog as documented in Managing the autochanger. See figure 55 for a picture of how the workflow for moving media works.

Sending an Email for moving a Volume

Figure 53: Sending an Email for moving a Volume

Confirmation of Volume movement

Figure 54: Confirmation of Volume movement

Workflow of moving Volumes

Figure 55: Workflow of moving Volumes

Importing Volumes

Importing intern Volumes follows the same workflow diagram as exporting (Cf. Exporting Volumes and figure 55). Once the Volumes are in the import tray of your autochanger, you can click the button “Clear I/O” on the Autochanger \(\rightarrow\) YourAutoChanger screen to ask BWeb to put

Help managing the autochanger contents

BWeb can help you manage the contents of your autochanger by selecting the best volumes to import for use with your future backups.

Automatic exporting

In the Media menu \(\rightarrow\) Eject Media, BWeb can select a list of Volumes for you that can possibly be moved out of your autochanger to make room for other Volumes. To do so, you must chose a Pool, a Media Type, and the Volume’s current location (Cf. figure 56).

Selection criteria for exporting Volumes

Figure 56: Selection criteria for exporting Volumes

The candidate Volumes are sorted by their retention period, and their use (the number of times mounted in a drive) (Cf. fig 57).

List of media to Export

Figure 57: List of media to Export

Clicking on the export button extern will start the process of question and answers for exporting Volumes according to the workflow defined above (Cf. Exporting Volumes). Note: BWeb will not let you export more Volumes than your export tray will hold.

Automatic Importation

In the Media menu \(\rightarrow\) Load Media, BWeb will select for you a list of Volumes possible to import back into your autochanger for use in future backups. You must choose a Pool, a Media Type, the current Volume location, and whether or not you want to include Volumes that will expire in the near future (Cf. figure 58).

Selection criteria for importing Volumes

Figure 58: Selection criteria for importing Volumes

The candidate Volumes will be presented sorted by their usage (number of hours writing and number of times mounted in a drive) (fig 59).

Volumes selected for importing

Figure 59: Volumes selected for importing

Clicking on the import button intern will start the workflow question and answers described above (cf. Exporting Volumes)

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