Management of Profiles and Users

To access user management found in Configuration \(\rightarrow\) Users (see figures 24 and 25), you must active the security function in the general BWeb configuration (see the section Self User Restore). Note, if you activate the security function without having configured Lighttpd authentication, you will not be able to access BWeb. In such a case, you must manually deactivate the security feature by modifying the file /opt/bweb/etc/bweb.conf.

To activate access control by user profile, check the security_acl option in the general BWeb configuration.

By default in BWeb the user admin has full privileges that cannot be disabled. If you experience configuration problems, you can use the admin account to reconfigure BWeb.

Users management

Figure 24: Users management

User configuration

Figure 25: User configuration

Restrict Bacula Resources

The bconsole BWeb configuration option can use %u to specify a specific bconsole configuration file. Then, it is possible to use restricted Consoles and fine tune permissions for BWeb. Note that in this case, it is mandatory to create a bconsole configuration file for the default admin user.

bconsole = /opt/bacula/bin/bconsole -n -c /opt/bacula/etc/bconsole-%u.conf
# cat /opt/bacula/etc/bconsole-admin.conf
Director {
  Name = "ks82-dir"
  Address = "ks82"
  DirPort = 9101
  Password = "bacula"

 # cat /opt/bacula/etc/bconsole-user1.conf
Director {
  Name = "ks82-dir"
  Address = "ks82"
  DirPort = 9101
  Password = "bacula"
Console {
 Name = user1
 Password = "bacula"
 Director = "ks82-dir"

 # cat /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-dir.conf
Console {
  Name = "user1"
  CatalogAcl = *all*
  ClientAcl = aclient-fd, otherclient-fd
  CommandAcl = *all*
  FilesetAcl = *all*
  JobAcl = home,usr
  Password = "bacula"
  PoolAcl = *all*
  ScheduleAcl = *all*
  StorageAcl = *all*
  WhereAcl = *all*
  DirectoryAcl = *all*
  UserIdAcl = *all*

User Password Management

The following lighttpd configuration permits limiting access with basic authentication. After changing the lighttpd config file, you need to restart the bweb service:

# more /opt/bweb/etc/httpd.conf
server.modules += ( "mod_auth")     # if not already done

auth.backend = "htpasswd"
auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile =  "/opt/bweb/etc/htpasswd.bweb"
auth.require = ( "/" =>
        "method" => "basic",
        "realm" => "Password protected area",
        "require" => "valid-user"

The command htpasswd enables you to manage the list of users that can authenticate.

# htpasswd -c /opt/bweb/etc/htpasswd.bweb admin
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user admin

When creating Lighttpd authentication, the user names given must correspond to the user names configured in BWeb. For example if your LDAP user name is admin-windows, the BWeb user name you configured must also be admin-windows.

See Security Access for more information about user password management.

Note, if you use the basic authentication and you are going to register new Bacula Clients by using QR code or registration link, you need to uncomment in lighttpd configuration the following two lines:

## Uncomment this line if you use client registration by QR code or registration link
#$HTTP["url"] !~ "^/cgi-bin/bweb/$" {
## Uncomment this line if you use client registration by QR code or registration link

This way users, who register clients by QR code or registration link, will not be asked about login/password.

System Auth

The option System authentication 1 enables BWeb to authenticate users with the PAM subsystem via the su command. With the System Authentication option, only users defined on the Bacula Linux/Unix server will be allowed to use BWeb. With this option, if a user “admin” is defined on the system, it will be mapped automatically to the BWeb “admin” special account.


Table 4: User permissions




This permission is required to use the user management screen to view or modify users permissions.


The permission is required for management of Bacula client groups.


All configure screens require this permission. The Bacula configuration part of BWeb requires this permission.


Management of autochangers requires this permission.


Screens managing adding or modification of Volume locations require this permission.


Media management is required to update the media properties and load/unload media.


Screens managing adding or modification of storage and devices require this permission.


If this permission is set, you can prohibit or authorize Job and Job history deletion.


Required to achieve the prune command.


Required to achieve the purge command.


This permission allows the user to view jobs.


This permission allows the user to view the job logs.


Required to view the media.


Required to display the statistics.


Required to view the groups.


This permission is required to be able to follow real-time Job execution.


This permission is required to start Jobs via BWeb.


This permission is required to start restore Jobs via BWeb.


This permission is required to restart Jobs that were stopped or failed into an incomplete state.


This permission is required to prohibit or authorize Job cancellation.


This permission allows the user to obtain the client status.


This permission enables to stop the Job.


This permission enables to cancel the Job.


This permission allows the client bandwidth limit setting.


Required to run the bconsole commands via the web bconsole.

Self User Restore

The option Self User Restore 2, used in conjunction with the Security or the System authentication options, enables BWeb to display a restricted view to users who are not defined in the BWeb system.

For example, If a Linux/Unix user called “john” is logged on his Linux/Unix workstation “john-laptop” and he points his FireFox web browser to BWeb, once logged into the BWeb system as “john”, BWeb will search in the Bacula Director Client list for a system that matches the IP address of the workstation connected (probably “john-laptop-fd” in this case) and will restrict the restore process to this particular client automatically. If the Unix user information for “john” is available via the getpwnam() system interface, the restore process will automatically limit the files that can be viewed and restored to the files that the Unix user “john” can normally see or access.

The IP of the workstation can be found in the BWeb access log configured in lighttpd (/opt/bacula/working/bweb-access.log).

In addition, it is possible to use other Console ACLs such as DirectoryAcl or WhereAcl to apply even more access restrictions.

On Windows clients, it is not possible to automatically limit what a user can see. Here, the DirectoryACL directive must be used to limit the view and the restore capabilities of the user.


Available in version 8.8


Available in version 8.8

Go back to the BWeb Configuration chapter.

Go back to the Bweb Management Suite chapter.

Go back to the Bacula Enterprise User Interfaces.